Concentration Creates Circumstances - How to Manifest the Power of Thought

When are faced with difficulties in our destiny we can employ a toolbox of powers and faculties with which to transform events and circumstances. Regardless of external conditions we can release forces within ourselves that gradually cause darkness and obscurity to vanish.

An essential means by which we can harness our inner forces for maximum benefit in through concentration as concentration is the focusing of mental attention on a specific topic. It may be compared to the power of a magnifying glass to focus on the rays of the sun. Just as a magnifying glass can burn a hole through wood or ignite a flame so ca the focused mind penetrate to the solution of a problem or spark new ideas and insights.

Concentration is indispensable to any creative mental work. Control of thinking makes possible the high state of linking ourselves with the divine consciousness. This state of higher awareness, cosmic consciousness, or absorption in God called Samadhi in Sanskrit is only possible when we can focus the mind at will. Only through mental concentration can we sustain the frequencies of higher levels of consciousness.

Concentration is like a laser which amplifies light into a single bean of incredible power. Essentially a laser is a ruby rod surrounded by a spiral lamp. When the lamp is on the chromium atoms of the ruby are stimulated. When the stimulation s sufficiently great a narrow beam of intensely powerful light extends from the ruby crystals.

The spiral lamp which stimulates or excites the chromium atoms in the ruby rod may be compared to our emotions. When we are sufficiently interested in something our enthusiasm stimulates the molecules of our mind represented by the ruby rod. By focusing on the light of our intentions and our dreams through mental concentration we can achieve remarkable results very rapidly.

Not only is concentration induced more easily when we fell enthusiastic about something the act of mental focusing will itself awaken interest and enthusiasm in any idea of study. A person who learns to concentrate need never be bored again.

The power of concentration is a magical tool that we can create or destroy depending upon the subject of pour attention and the nature of our thoughts. Hence the saying of the Buddha "suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of the cart follow the oxen that draws it and joy follows a good thought like a shadow that never leaves". Buddha's words are the foundation of all metaphysics. The formative principal that shapes substance is mind.

When you focus your mind on a visual scenario you are focusing into your field of experience the very scenes you visualize. For every mental cause there follows a physical result; and positive thoughts will produce like effects. Constructive thoughts build a bridge to a better life. Destructive thoughts harden into chains that enslave us. When we refrain from discordant thinking our circumstances improve. What the mind conceives it eventually receives so long as the intention is strong enough.