How You Can Use the Law of Attraction Create Whatever You Want In Your Life

Whether it's deliberate or not, you're already using the Law of Attraction to attract things and situations into your life. Chances are that certain things crop up in your thoughts day in, day out. And chances are that even if you think those aren't what you want, you're attracting them anyway.


You see, most people focus on what they don't want. "I don't want to be poor" or "I don't want to be fat" are very common thoughts across the world.

But our subconscious mind - the part that makes the Law of Attraction work in our lives, whether we're aware of it or not - is a very direct part of us.

It doesn't handle negatives well at all. Our conscious mind isn't very good at handling negatives either. For instance, if I ask you not to think about Mickey Mouse, there's an extremely high chance that you have to visualize that squeaky rodent before you can cast his image from your mind. Hopefully the version you thought of is the friendly, Disney, version and not the malevolent South Park creation, but that's another story completely.

Thinking positive thoughts is a large part of what is needed to help the Law of Attraction to create whatever you want in your life. Of course, you'll have to take action on those thoughts as well most of the time, but you need the positive thinking in the first place.

Start by noticing your thoughts more often. That could be a scary process in itself. Then, when you find yourself thinking something negative, trap that thought and turn it round so that it's positive.

Don't do this for every single thought - you'd get nothing else done - but focus on the major, recurring thoughts. The ones you thought were positive but have now learned aren't.

Cross out - mentally or physically - anything negative so that you can see the signals you're really sending to your subconscious mind and to the universe. Then turn those negatives around. As many times as you can.

Don't beat yourself up if you fail to do this every time - you'd be superhuman if you managed that. Just catch yourself often enough that your complete thought process turns around over time.

Indeed, over a few days, weeks or months of doing this you'll start to notice a difference in the way you're thinking. You should find yourself thinking negative thoughts less often. And you should start creating whatever you want in life, almost on autopilot.