What Does The Phrase Ask And It Is Given Mean To You?‘Ask and it is given' – it's a familiar phrase to most of us, isn't it? It is also the cornerstone of the Law of Attraction, which tells us that if we focus on something we can bring it into our lives. If you are unsure about this law, consider some of the people around you carefully. Think about someone who doesn't seem to have much and is constantly struggling to get by. The chances are they are always moaning about their lack of success and their inability to move on. Instead of focusing on positive things and how they can influence their life for the better, they focus on the negativity in their lives – the very things they don't want. And by focusing on those things they will only ever bring themselves more of the same. Now think of someone who perhaps was in a similar situation to the person above. But instead of focusing on the negative in their situation, they focused on what they wanted to achieve instead. They focused on positivity and in bringing positive thoughts and goals into their life. And slowly but surely this exact event came to be. If you really take a hard look at the people in your life (and perhaps those who are famous too, whose stories you know), you will see that ‘ask and it is given' applies in every single case. It may not always apply in a positive way, but there is no doubt that it does happen all the time. As you can see then, it is up to you whether this natural law will be applied positively or negatively in your life. If you want to become a successful business owner, you have to focus on that thought and idea, and think positively about it. Keep on moving in that direction regardless of what obstacles you may meet along the way. Keep on going and you will be rewarded with what you have asked for. We are all capable of having negative thoughts in our lives. Even the most positive among us have negative thoughts and influences from time to time. The trick is that the positive people have learned to override those negative thoughts quickly and efficiently, so they can continue to bring positive events into their lives. It might seem a little hard to understand this basic law and apply it to your life to begin with. You may think that you aren't worthy of such success and abundance in your life. As long as you continue to think that, it will be the case. But if you turn your thinking around, invite positivity into your life and focus only on creating positive thoughts, you will see the difference. Gradually your life will turn around and abundance will start to manifest itself in all kinds of wonderful ways. When you ask and it is given to you, you will see how this law is applied in every single situation. It is up to you to make sure you only ask for positive outcomes. |