Wholeness - Most Important Thing Ever! -- Part 2

What goes on in one's life is a mirror of the state of one's mind; in other words, a life of poverty or abundance is a reflection of what is happening within one's mind and spirit. Life is nothing more than a reflection of one's state of being which is what really matters. Consciousness is the ultimate foundation of all existence, and whatever outlook exists within one's consciousness determines the kind of existence that comes forth. That is why it is always vital to elevate one's moods into higher vibrations of love and selfless service, inspirational wisdom, purity of thought, and dedication to spiritual truths and ideals.

Wealth and relationships outside one's self (in the world) is illusionary and ever changing. Death could come any time and if not sooner then later... as our bodies eventually age and fall apart. Nothing gained, found, or looted on Earth can ever be taken to the other side except one's values, character, outlook and the effects of one's actions. Only life-long habits such as loving one another in selfless service, correct eating, transmutation of sensuality into sincere love and affection, and meditation on God(dess), the reality of Spirit, or one's highest aspiration can lead one back to this inner reservoir of everlasting, infinite value, perfect happiness and inner joy of wholeness. On the whole, it also makes no sense whatsoever for nations, religions, companies, individuals, etc. to harm or go against one another; every single person in this entire world desperately needs to work with one another in love and harmony for the highest good!

"A new commandment I give to you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another." (John 13:34)

Jesus meant we are to love one another regardless of what religion, regardless of what race, regardless of what nation, what species, what planet, or whatever! knowing the difference between what is truly spiritual and what is a waste of time is vital. Waste no more time with material wealth and worldly ambitions! Gain spiritual wealth which is permanent and can deliver billions of times more love, security and happiness!

The deepest mysteries of life need to be explored. There are indeed many astonishing answers to be found. The infinite complexities and dimensions of nature can never fit inside the box of conventional religion and materialistic science.

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:32) The Truth is Wholeness!

There are hidden treasures that lie within yourself where no thieves could steal nor rust corrupt. I will try to show you your natural keys to wholeness which unlock the most fulfilling and uplifting way of life one can imagine. The kingdom of heaven lies within you.

Jesus said: "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation [through the senses]: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." (St. Luke 17:20 & 17:21)

Only within one's self can the great kingdom of God be found with the keys of meditation, love, correct eating, transmutation, and absorption of subtle life-force energy. The means of ascension into wholeness come from within one's self, and this is the way it has always been. Wholeness is your inner birthright!

There are vital keys of wisdom and knowledge based on sound principles both ancient and modern, spiritual and scientific, with the potential to lead one to everlasting joy, prosperity, freedom, ecstasy, beauty and love all from within one's self. The greatest truths behind all religions were originally meant to guide humanity toward the same one and only transcendental unitiy of glorious, all fulfilling, permanent happiness and love. Contrary to God's original intention or purpose, nearly every organized religion has historically opposed your very own natural spirituality which is utterly tragic and ironic. God is universal love, not a religious belief!

Step outside the box of conventional science and religion to expand your awareness of just how strange and mysterious universal existence really is. No materialistic or religious dogma or any other mental conception can ever contain the whole truth of all that is. Therefore, I encourage everyone to put aside all prejudices, bigotry, etc. and to replace all materialistic, religous and so called scientific skepticism with the spirit of universal love, wisdom, appreciation and compassionate open-minded investigation of a universe so utterly complex and infinitely vast, that no belief system, no matter how sophisticated can ever fully encompass the infinity of God's ineffable Kingdom of Nature.

The real answers to life's mysteries and greatest problems naturally exist outside the restrictions of conventional thinking, and one must venture far outside the familiar boundaries of common religion. The true meaning of wholeness is a love, wisdom, and fulfillment beyond your wildest dreams.

A secret to happiness and peace-of-mind is to constantly feel that there is a universal Higher Power working for you (be it God, Goddess, Zero Point Energy, Orgone Energy, Prana, Shakti, Universal Principle, the Christ, Holy Spirit, Infinite Father, Krishna, Babaji, Allah, etc.), providing everything you need. At the same time, love this wonderful Higher Power with all your heart and strength, and replace all the negative thoughts within the mind with the healing elements of "heaven." Immediately and permanently do the same with one's diet: replace all unnatural, unhealthy food (bad elements) with positive, uplifting, natural, healthy food. To achieve wholeness naturally is the wisest and most noble thing to do. Wholeness is the highest good and the foundation for spiritual freedom and great wisdom. There is nothing more essential, exciting, vital and fulfilling than to be awakened to the all-pervading transcendental (spiritual) unity of wholeness. Regain your lost keys to the real and lasting happiness which is locked deep within yourself and is your absolute birthright. Live in 100% harmony with the truth and you become one of the wisest, most benevolent, most loved and loving people who ever lived.

The more ignorance there is of truth, the more ignorance there is of and separation from one's spirituality, and the more lies, deception, greed and lust one indulges in, the more pain, chaos, destruction and confusion one attracts into one's life. Whenever one "programs" one's life with evil actions, only evil effects can come out of it. Such virtues as honesty, purity, and generosity are far more valuable than anything "gained" through dishonesty, lust and greed, because what one puts out is what one gets back.

There is an underlying potential of everlasting happiness, eternal inspiration, adventure, love, romance, ecstasy, bliss, glory, fulfillment, wealth, abundance, success, perfect health, paradise, wisdom, and heaven within all conscious beings. Through correct living, eating, along with a pure, unselfish attitude and lifestyle, one can start to become aware of this great and wonderful paradise within. Everything in this vast, holographic universe is subtly and profoundly interconnected by a universal Oneness or Wholeness or God(dess) which is the ultimate vital essence of all living beings. It is very sad that the conventional materialistic ways of life and thinking, junk food diets, drug abuse, disruptive thoughts/emotions, ego, greed, lust, and physical senses dramatically interrupt this most vital essence of perfect, everlasting goodness, innate wisdom, spirituality, natural bliss, or wholeness. Society is in dire need of wisdom-guided moral values and spiritual inspiration.

It is essential to carefully scrutinize even the most far-fetched ideas and break outside the rut of conventional, materialistic, profit-hungry mainstream science. It is essential to go back to the wisdom of nature in every way possible through biomimicry, biodiversity, local organic farming, cultivating and using healing herbs instead of deadly pharmaceuticals, curing all diseases with natural, holistic methods of raw food, herbs, supplements, antioxidants, etc., going vegetarian and on raw food as much as possible, meditating on spirituality instead of sensuality, creating cities that blend well with the beauty of the landscape instead of consuming space that should otherwise be filled with magnificent gardens and forests. Recreate towns that are complete (whole) in themselves so there is never a need to commute to work, drive to the shops, or import goods vast distances. Generate electricity entirely from wind, solar, hydrogen, and even zero point energy. Base life on beautiful moral values and spiritual ideals instead of that senseless, thick-skinned, never-ending greed for profit and lust for power to the detriment of all life.

Nature's wisdom is and always will be the greatest teacher and her ways should always be learned from as much as possible! To have abandoned her ways of wisdom and spirituality like man has done has been the most serious mistake ever committed and perhaps the greatest sin. Now the whole biosphere is in dire consequences as a result. Society desperately needs much more holistic thinking, wisdom, and discovery beyond the conventional boundaries of science, medicine, and religion, requiring not only an open mind and the ability to handle tentative data, but also the diligence, determination, wisdom, spirituality and discrimination to find out what really is true and what is just a hoax or self-deception.

Illustrations and videos related to this article can be found right here:

Russell Symonds (Shaktivirya) has dedicated his life to finding wholeness and is living the "wholeness" lifestyle. His website, Science of Wholeness is a spiritual and nutritional information and research center dedicated to helping you find your keys to wholeness (everlasting joy, love, bliss, rejuvenation, and much, much more). There is no greater thing of beauty, value and joy as wholeness!

The rest of his original articles and his free online book can be found here: