The Law of Abundance will show you the way

If you are anything like me, you want the best for yourself and your loved ones.

If you are anything like me, you've had to work hard for everything you've ever had.

If you are anything like me, you are looking for a way to create one of those lives that you're proud to share with your friends and family.

Well, here's the magic secret...are you ready?

Be more positive. Stop thinking about how that dark cloud over your head is a curse that some unknown and unstoppable force has placed on your life. That dark cloud over your head is your own creation and it's tough to come to terms with that, I understand.

For many years, i have struggled with "poor me" syndrome. I would struggle to get out of bed and face another day. I fought with myself and my family and tried so hard to find someone or something to blame for everything that went wrong...and all along, it was just little ol' me.

You know exactly what i'm talking about. The gal at work who seems to be in the middle of a crisis every day. Those two neighbours down the street who are always stepping on each other's toes, bushes and driveways. These people are creating a negative field of energy around themselves, and to what end?

The more weight you carry on your shoulders every day, the more weight you're going to attract.

Here's what I suggest: let it go. Choose not to be one of those people. I had to make that choice and believe me, it took a HUGE amount of force to shake me out of my rut. Hear me out and I promise I will help you find a way out, too.

Here's the brief version of my story:

I battled with depression, I battled with addiction, I battled with everything and everyone that would give me the time and energy until I exhausted myself and most of my resources.

I was at a place in my work life where I felt that if I stayed where i was for one more day, it was going to be the beginning of the end of my life.

Then I asked a psychic one simple question. "I am facing a fork in the road in many aspects of my life. When should I look forward to change and is it for the better?"

I didn't give her a bunch of details about who i am, i asked a simple question, because I was lost. And here's basically what she told me.

"You are at the end of a cycle, which may be painful & difficult, but a huge transformation will follow this, so try not to resist this. When things have settled you will find yourself with a new career, new home, or new friends, often all three. You got a lucky card that points to strange coincidences, fortunate meetings, & lucky breaks. Positive confusion reigns it says! The next card said that don't try to affect these changes on your own yet, there may be a temporary pause before all hell breaks loose so just ready yourself by letting go of the worry & anxiety. It also says that you may have to give up something to gain something else. So have patience & be aware of any coincidences or things like that, that will show you that things are moving for you & when they do it will be a whirlwind!"

So I did. One day, I got up and didn't go to work anymore. I printed a copy of my resume, took it to a radio station out of the blue, and told them I wanted to come to work for them. They thought that seemed like a pretty good idea, so off i went.

I traded in my gas-guzzling pickup truck for a hatchback car that got ten times the mileage, ordered an engagement ring for my girlfriend, put my coveralls away and bought some nice shirts and pants to wear to "the office".

I look back and think it all seemed a little bit crazy, but that's what was so EXCITING about it!! And I didn't stop there.

I wasn't happy with the small town I was working in. I wanted to be around more people, more restaurants and more amenities. I went to sleep every night thinking about owning my own home, thinking about being back in a small city, with nothing but opportunities around me to be happy and healthy and wealthy and wise...okay, maybe wise is a bit of a stretch.

"MEDIOCRITY IS NO LONGER OKAY!" became my credo. I told the universe that I wanted MORE!!

Lo and behold, another position opened up in one of my favourite towns! So we sold our house in one day, rented a place two days later, started the new job a week later and were both moved in and starting our new life together the week after that.

I didn't know it could be so easy! By letting go of the negative energy that I've been holding onto so dearly for 15 years, I was letting the universe treat me like royalty!

My eyes are still open. I've recently been introduced to a new way to create abundance in my life and I want to share it with you.

If you believe it, you can achieve it. Sounds cheesy, but it works!

Since I decided to start living my life by the Law of Abundance, since i started applying the Law of Attraction, I can no longer look back! I have love and wealth in my life that can't be measured in dollars and cents, but it sure wouldn't hurt!

I can teach you how to generate cash daily and tax free to your front door.

I bid you a wonderful day, full of abundance. Abundance of love, abundance of money, of relaxation. Abundance of whatever it is that makes your life worth living...for YOU!!

Aaron Friedley