How To Attract Anything You Want

Theres a lot of talk in the last few years about the law of attraction and how it can manifest wonderful things into our lives.

What allot of us don't realise though is that we are using the law of attraction all the time as our outer reality is always conforming to our inner most dominant beliefs. The trouble is though that we generally are not attracting in to our lives what we want.

If you are wondering how to attract what you want into your life the following tips will help.

1) Be aware

The first step is to become aware of what you are really thinking in life. We may force ourselves to think positive thoughts but many of us have suppressed negative beliefs about ourselves buried in the subconscious. They may be threatening to us, so we hold them at bay, however they tend to run our lives and control our reality. Ask yourself this, What do I really think about myself? or what's the worst thing that someone could say about me?. The answer may be your first clue as to what you really think about yourself.

2) Accept and change

When we accept any negative beliefs we have about ourselves we start to clear the energy that's driving them. Accepting them does not mean believing in them and beating ourselves up but rather accepting that you think this about yourself and you have found it painful and resisted it in your life. Now its time to bring it out in the open and start to clear it.

3) Free to attract

Once you have cleared the energy behind the negative beliefs that are crowding you, you are more freed up to start to think thoughts and visualise things that you actually want and any negative belief that may be sabotaging what you want will have lessened in its energy.

You are now ready to get started attracting what you you want.