The Force of Attraction

Mastery of female "testing" of the energy you project will skyrocket your game like nothing else!  Most men are focused on the wrong thing, which is trying to get a woman to be attracted to them.  The truth is that women are just like men in the sense that they know inside of two seconds if they want to be with you or not.  Where women differ from men is that men will continue to want to be with a woman they are attracted to even if she turns out to be nasty, a serial killer, or has HIV - it doesn't matter as long as she is "hot."  On the other hand, women will change their minds about being with a hot guy if he fails their "tests."  Now, all tests from women boil down to tests of your emotional control.  This is because the woman craves submission to the right man, and the luxury of the submissive is that she can lose control of herself and have deep emotional experiences.

The dominant (YOU) does not have this luxury because you have to make sure she doesn't drown in her own depths or go jump out of a window or something.  So the woman first tests you to see if you are in control of your own emotions before she tests to see if you can be in control of hers.  The most common test of your emotional control is she will say something to offend you, reject you, make you look like a fool, cut you down or make you feel inadequate.  Often she will talk about relations with other men or how huge some guy was or imply that she is very promiscuous.  Remember, the more brutal the tests the higher the hopes she has for you!  This is your job interview!  Just smile and brave forward as if her words and action never happened and think about how she will submit to you later.

However, once you've proven you are in control of your own emotions, she will test to see if you can be in control of hers.  The most common test will be to see if you can handle her anger or disapproval.  The way she commonly launches this test is she will be very sweet and sensual to you and suddenly pull the rug out from under your experience and get very angry and disapproving (often for no reason) - in a way that may be reminiscent of your mother scolding you.  The key to passing this test is to smile and hold her gaze until she looks away.  If she refuses to look away do something ridiculous like ask her if "she'd like fries with that."

Remember to ALWAYS maintain eye contact with a woman when you are talking to her - but do not be creepy, stare or leer.  As an interesting aside, most men never look a woman in the eye and women have a lot of respect for a man who connects to them in this way.  People in our society generally don't make eye contact and this creates feelings of isolation. As a result nobody is ever really "seen" and feeling invisible is a form of suffering that is rarely discussed, yet used as the ultimate means of control by unscrupulous types.  Eye contact is actually a non-physical way of touching someone, and is colored by the intention behind it.  On the other hand, a lot of people want to have their real selves invisible which is why many people don't appreciate eye contact and on occasion a woman may snap at you for gazing at her because she is fighting to keep down the emotions that your presence is drawing out. A man who  have increase semen or increase semen volume reflects a male strong with good male potency .