The mystery behind a smile

A smile though not as loud and cracking as laughter but the power and efficacy it possesses give to it a stupendous dignity, a dignity that carries bountiful energy...

A baby uses its innocent but sweet smile to capture the attention and love of its mother, a stubborn son, diffuses the fiery anger in his father's heart with a pleading smile..

Never should you under estimate the potency and vitality of a smile, that simple smile on your face could travel a thousand mile into the heart and soul of someone near you who really needs it, why deny him/her that beautiful pleasure... The question i want to ask is "HOW OFTEN DO YOU SMILE?",most of us find it very easy to wear a face cracking frown, a frown that scares away love and friendship instead of a smile, that i still don't understand..... Just like nectar attracts bees to a flower, so does a beautiful and genuine smile attracts endless warmth, love and respect to a man/woman.. Everyone of us should make it a point of duty to always live and dwell under the influence of a bright and infectious smile, maybe its just a smile you need to win that attention you've been craving for, or maybe that smile could get you that respect you so much desire, just try it and see.... I believe this world will be a better place if everyone of us try to reflect that love and peace that dwells inside our souls through a smile... This simple act(smile) is a sweet act, that sows seed of compassion and emotion into the hardest of hearts, its strength is in its simplicity, its beauty is in its reality, a reality that breathes a loving conviviality, it is mysterious because of its undeniable subtlety..... The more smile you wear the more joy and peace you spread, to the people around you just like a virus, it takes so little to smile but requires you so much to frown, so try to smile more, i mean the real smile not the plastic one that most celebrities wear in front of a camera, thats not the smile am talking about... For you who suffer from low confidence that smile can make it up to you, if only you don't fake it..... for more please, visit,