Power of expectation

Power of expectation

Do you expect that you are going to achieve your goals? Do you expect that you are going to accomplish what you have planned?

A few years ago, when I used to work for one of the major companies, I wanted to go on a business trip. I didn't know how it is going to happen, but I knew and expected it to happen. In less than 9 months, my expectation came true. I just had strong expectation that I will go on a business trip.

There are many people who think negatively all the time and always expect bad things to happen to them. It is very important to know even though you have great knowledge, know what you want, plan, and take action, but if you don't believe that you are going to succeed, then you won't achieve your goals.

Let me ask you, did you ever think about someone and then after a few minutes that person called you? This is the power of expectation as whatever we expect to happen, will happen in our life.

To eliminate negative thoughts and to start expecting positive qualities in your life, follow the below steps:

1. Watch your thoughts. Whenever you think negatively, switch your thoughts to positve ones. Instead of saying, "I can't succeed" say, "I can succeed." If you keep thinking negative thoughts, you are basically programming your subconscious mind with negativity.

2. Plan and take action now. Listen only to people who are positive.

3. Start your day with positive thoughts. Say to yourself, "I expect my day to be a brilliant day" and be confident that it is going to happen.

Start today, be optimistic, and always remember what Mahatma Gandhi said, "Keep your thoughts positive, because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive, because your words become your behaviors. Keep your behaviors positive, because your behaviors become your habits. Keep your habits positive, because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive, because your values become your destiny.'