How Hard Is It To Change Your Feelings?

Have you ever wondered how you can change your feelings?  You've probably heard it said that your feelings are an indicator of where you are in relationship to your desires.  But how do you change your feelings in a positive way?

Most folks don't understand that whatever you are feeling is an indicator of where you are in relationship to your goals and desires.  If you're feeling down or depressed, or any of the other "negative" feelings, then you are out of alignment with your desires.

Your feelings are nothing more than an indicator of where you are in relationship to your desires.  So to change your feelings, you must learn to focus your thinking on things that make you feel good.

By changing what you focus on, for instance switching to a memory that brought you joy; you are now sending a signal out to the universe of joy.  The universe always responds in kind by bring you events that recreate that feeling within you.

If you develop an attitude of gratitude or develop appreciation for all the things in your life, you can turn your life around.  Start every day by simply writing down 10 things for which you are grateful.  Do this for thirty days (I dare you!) and see if it doesn't get you in a better mood all of the time.

If you find yourself slipping into a dark mood, stop wherever you are and begin a new list of things for which you are grateful.  This will change your dark mood back into one of lightness.

After all is said and done, it is really you who is in charge of what you are experiencing based upon the feelings you are emanating out to the world.  You always have a choice on how you want to feel on any topic, regardless if you think you don't.

If someone calls you "stupid," you can believe them or not, respond in kind or not, or decide that their issues are not your own and more than likely they are just projecting their crap onto you.  Let them be and know that they cannot control you anymore than you can control them.