Powerful Affirmations: I Am Unlimited!

One of my favorite authors is Emmet Fox. If you have not read Fox yet, I highly suggest picking up any one of his books. If you are looking for a recommendation, I strongly advise reading "The Mental Equivalent." It is unparalleled in its ability to motivate you to action. And, it is short!

That said, let me share with you a quote from another Fox book, "Inconsistencies Made Clear" that I just ran across. Fox writes "Those who are perplexed by the difficulties and seeming inconsistencies of life should remember that at the present time we get only a partial view of things; and that a partial view of anything never shows the thing as it really is."

This quote stood out for me because I have a few areas in my life that I am not 100% happy with. Fox's words remind me that the things I see in my life right now are but a picture. More importantly, it is a picture that can and will change. No matter what my life looks like right now, it is only a picture of the ideas I have held most fervently in mind. If I change the ideas I hold steadily in mind, the picture must change.

At any rate, that passage motivated me to write a few affirmations to post on the walls in my bedroom and bathroom. As I was posting them, it occurred to me that you might find them helpful as well. So, I am posting them below for you to use as you see fit. Enjoy!

I am unlimited in my power and I have increasing health, strength, life, love, wisdom, boldness, freedom, charity and meekness now and forever.

I am unlimited in my power. Whatever I can accomplish today is but a small reflection of what I am truly able to accomplish. There is no end to my ability – no end to my capacity to do whatever I will to do.

I adjust my thinking to reflect the unlimited nature of my power.

Daily, I expand my understanding of what is possible for me. I throw off old beliefs that hold me back; and, I willingly embrace new beliefs that agree with my unlimited power. The result: my world continually gets better and better.