Cosmic Ordering For Beginners: A Step To Enlightenment

Cosmic ordering is not a novelty. It has been conceived based on the Law of Attraction and gained popularity in the New Age Movement recently especially after the release of Rhonda Byrne's "The Secret".

Here's more of cosmic ordering for beginners. As a background, the idea of the Law of Attraction means that one receives what one gives out to the universe. Thus, holding a positive vision is considered as a way of transforming not only the world but the also the individual. Besides cosmic ordering, wellness movement and Quantum physics are also based on the Law of Attraction.

Akin to the Law of Attactraction, cosmic ordering utilizes positive thoughts for individuals to connect with the cosmos. The latter, in turn, will align your thoughts whether good or bad.

There are lots of resources involving cosmic ordering for beginners. Whilst books can offer help they are not necessary. There are plenty of resources are available online for free.

To begin with, create a life board or an image of your life translated into something tangible. Most people prefer cutting images and using texts and place them on a board. Focus on what you desire based on the collage you created and positively affirm each of the item or desire. Repeat them regularly.  Say, "I am good in what I do and I will continue doing them everyday."

Having these daily affirmations can help you eradicate negative thoughts. By replacing the non-essential desires with important ones through cosmic ordering, you also bring out the best of your desires and help bring change to your external and internal worlds.

Writing your desires consistently, say every morning, can also be a form of cosmic ordering. Try keeping a journal online or even a personal diary.