Law Of Attraction In 20 Minutes!

Twenty sweet minutes that’s how long it takes to read Brian Johnsons unrivalled Philosophers Notes on the bookAsk and it is Given, Learning to master your desiresthat has sold millions of copies across the universe.

His six pages of concentrated wisdom cover the "Big Ideas" that Ester and Jerry Hicks aka Abraham have spread over 300 plus pages of their book.

His cool observations are written with such clarity that you can start to apply them into your life right here right now without buying the book. It’s brilliant way to gain valuable knowledge that could change your life.

Can you ask for a million dollars using The Law of Attraction? Well, of course you can but will you get it? Brian gives us an insight into 9 topics from their book that might get you much closer than you think. His "Big Ideas" cover creating your own reality, setting your emotional gauges, using your imagination,what do you want, and what do you intend and more.

To get you on your way to getting what you want Brian is giving his Philosophers Notes away for free plus you can download them on MP3, also for free, if you prefer to listen rather than read. I like to do both it’s comforting to read and listen at the same time.

It gets even better. You can also get 24 other titles for free too. His Philosophers Notes cover some of the best modern day philosophers and their self development million plus best sellers from Deepak Chopra to Tolle To Dyer...