Imagination - The Genie Inside Your MindI believe that one of the greatest gifts we have been given is our imagination. It costs nothing to access, is available 24/7 and is our doorway to freedom. With imagination, we have inside of us the most amazing ability to change our state and transform our life in a moment. With imagination, we have the capacity to experience anything we desire, dream any dream, uncover the secrets of our heart, awaken our inner longings and live them here and now. With imagination, we have the freedom to choose the details of our life, and see them come alive right before our very eyes. With imagination, we are transported to any place, time, event, outcome, circumstance that we desire to explore. With the flicker of our eyelids we can become anything we want to be, and do anything we want to do. With imagination, boundaries disappear, limitations cease to exist, and the impossible becomes possible. With imagination, passions ignite, talents explode and our abilities expand and magnify. With imagination, outside forces are set into motion and the Universe rushes in to comply with our requests. It is happy to do so, honored to do so. After all, that is it's job. To deliver our dreams to us, grant our wishes and answer our prayers. Imagination is the genie inside your mind, just waiting to be let out. Our body doesn't know the difference between this so called reality we live in and our imaginings. It responds the same way to both. I believe that the secret to success with imagination is in the feelings. We need to really feel, deeply feel, our way to success or love or whatever it is we are wanting. We need to engage all of our senses to such a degree that when we open our eyes once again, we are surprised to be here. And if we do this often enough, one day we won't be. We'll be living the life of our dreams. |