The Law of Attraction - 3 POWERFUL Tips

I know at times it can seem as if the law of attraction thing just isn't working out for YOU.  I have been there myself and as no one is perfect it still happens from time to time.  Yet,  in those moments,  you can think of it like a test.  Kind of like the world or the universe is really testing to see if you are committed to manifesting the things that you really want.

Here are 3 Powerful Tips that can help you when you feel frustrated with the law of attraction:

1.  Maintain Your Focus.Things don't always come easy in life,  we all know this.  However,  it can be easy to forget if you are feeling frustrated and as if the law of attraction just is not working.  These are great moments to test and see where your focus goes.  Does it stray into disappointment or hope?

2.  Act as if.Even when thing are not manifesting quickly enough for what we prefer,  you still have to maintain the attitude that it WILL happen and act as if it has already happened.  Every day is a new day with new possibilities and sometimes it can ll change in the blink of an eye.

3.  Take action.Again,  it can be the little things.  Even a small and tedious action can produce amazing results.  See if there is any possible action that you can take to bring you closer to what it is that you really want.  The more little actions that you take,  the more they add up to bigger results.

I know at times it can be frustrating when you are trying to use the law of attraction and waiting for things to manifest.  Follow these three tips when you feel this way and you never know what may happen NEXT.

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