How To Manage Long Distance College Relationships

After moving out of town to attend college, you are faced with many new and unique opportunities. It can initially seem like an overwhelming effort just trying to grapple with the newness of the classes, many unfamiliar faces, and getting used to an area you are unaccustomed to. You may find yourself being tempted to pursue friendships with some of the people you meet who pique your curiosity, and gradually let go of your distance partner. If you truly do not want to step away from your partner, it will take much active diligence and conscious effort on your part.

The following are some ideas for maintaining your long distance relationship while away at college:

1) keep in contact via all the ways technology now has to offer - phone, e-mail, texting, sending cell phone pictures, video cam

2) plan a date and meet online

3) mail a card or gift

4) visit your partner at his/her school - meet your partner's friends and tour the campus

5) share some of the details of your college experience - a teacher you enjoy, a class you find enlightening, the cafeteria food

6) schedule a day to each watch the same movie, and then plan to talk about it later in the day

By putting some of the above ideas into action, you will go a long way to prove to your significant other of your interest and commitment to the relationship. While maintaining long distance college relationships can be quite a challenge, there is no reason it can not work. With genuine motivation and desire on both your parts, you can come back together with fresh experiences to share and find the relationship enriched as a result.

Deborah R. is a masters level social worker and enjoys helping people. Are you trying to figure out different ways to bridge the distance? CLICK HERE to learn more long distance relationship tips, or go to: and discover additional ideas for using the time apart to bring about the best relationship possible!