Why You Are Not Manifesting More Money With The Law of Attraction

If you have heard and learned a little bit about the law of attraction,  the odds are pretty good that you have tried to manifest money and have probably found that it can be frustrating and much harder than most of the teachers tell you that it is.  There are many possible reasons for this and in this article,  we will take a look at some of the reasons as to why that may be.

First of all,  let me tell straight out that you are not going to all of a sudden have checks appearing in the mail or have money just magically get deposited into your bank account.  It doesn't happen like that.

So,  why aren't you manifesting the money you want?

1.  Do you have a source for that money to come through?  This has to be the number one most overlooked principle when it comes to the law of attraction.  Money cannot flow to you if there is no source for it to happen.  Just thinking about money will not make it flood into your life.

2.  Do you know how to create those sources of income?  They are not as hard as you may think they are to create.  And a little hint.  It rarely if ever involves something where you pay $ 29 and get a website that automatically becomes an ATM machine.

3.  How do you feel about YOUR ability to make money?  Get in touch with this feeling.  It is important.  And if you feel that a lottery or something like that is the only way to get money then you probably do not have much faith in yourself to create a real stream of income.

Ask yourself these three questions and be honest with yourself.  The answers will help guide you to learn how to manifest real money into your life and not just sit around and wait for it to appear.

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