What Can You Create? Take the Manifesting Challenge Today

Using the Law of Attraction to purposely manifest what you want in life is a skill that takes some practice to perfect. Often when someone is first introduced to the idea of manifesting they get all excited at the possibilities and jump in with both feet to try and manifest everything they want instantly.

While some people get amazing results at first, over time it seems that they get stymied and have trouble attracting the things they want. If this is you, then I invite you to take a manifesting challenge. Using the basic principles of Law of Attraction, pickone small and concrete thingto manifest into your life.

The reason I'm sayingsmallis because I don't want any pressure on you for something huge you *need* to get (like a new car if yours is rusting in the driveway). Pressure blocks manifestation and we definitely don't want to do this...we want successes!

And the reason I'm sayingconcreteis because I want you to be crystal clear about what you're choosing, and also so you'll be certain when it arrives that the Universe has delivered.

So pick somethingsmall and concrete, say a butterfly in the winter or a certain flower you like but haven't seen lately. Once I chose to see a red convertible Volkswagen Beetle because I'd never seen one driving around where I live.

After you've decided start looking for clues. In my case, I started seeing red Beetles everywhere, and convertible ones that weren't red. I took these as confirmation that my request had been heard and my manifestation was on its way. If you can approach it as a treasure hunt, getting excited as each clue takes you just a little closer then you'll be on the right track.

Finally your manifestation will appear. Rejoice and be grateful - You've just proven it works! (Side note - my red convertible beetle appeared a few days later when I saw an entire truck full of them on the highway!)

You can manifest what you want. It just takes a little practice :^)