The Certain Way

In this article: The Certain Way,law of attraction,gratitude...

By: David P Kennedy

There is a certain way to do things which will create anything that you desire. Also called the law of attraction. Wallace Wattles wrote the book that inspired the hit movie The Secret it is called The Science of getting rich. I have a free copy for you on my website under free e-books. Get you copy pleasure to serve you. In his book he talks about The certain way. I will try to sum it up in three simple words of which I have written about in different ways before.

You must know what you want and the determination to stand by that desire until you realize it. You must have initiative, faith and the will to win.

Step #1Start with thought. Get in your mind something that you want, such as a new car, a new home, better job, and more money. You can start from where ever you are in life. If you have little or no education no worries.

Now step #2Desire. You will keep you thought in mind and intensify your feelings towards it. If it's a new car you want you must feel it like you already have it. Feel the wheel in your hands, the sunroof or no roof with the sun beating down on you. Learn to visualize these things. Be determined to receive it. The ways and the means of getting what you want will present itself to you.

When it doesStep # 3take action. You must take action and allow what you want to manifest. Accept the creation with gratitude. Go a step beyond this and show gratitude even before you acquire what it is that you have asked for. Showing gratitude towards creation of the source energy that has created all with draw you closer to the source and it will speed actions up for you.

Recap #1 Start with a thought of what you want to have...Followed by #2 A desire that you must feel as already being yours. Mix in gratitude and thanks always being thankful. Remember the creator wants you to have all that you desire. Believe it is already yours...Feel it. The last step again #3 when it is created and presents itself to you and you are prepared to receive it, just allow it to be. Followed again by gratitude. Always being grateful will increase your abilities for the next time you ask for what you want.

The certain way works and it will manifest your desires. It is also called the law of attraction to which my web site is all about.

In short it works like this... Ask Believe Receive.

Learn to really feel what you desire as being yours already that is a big key ingredient.

Positive Love

David P Kennedy

Don't forget your free e-book the science of getting rich...or what can be called The Certain Way