Positive Thinking Got Me An Unexpected Job Offer! Yay! This Can Work For You Too!


I was feeling gloomy. It didn't seem like anything "good" was coming my way. I have a routine that I follow to avoid falling back into the "rut" of hopelessness and dumb mistakes. This article will explain the steps I take which keep the doors open to Positive Energies even when everything seems stagnate.

The Steps Which Help Draw Positive (And Beneficial) Energies Your Way Are Both Non-Spiritual And Spiritual. I Am Not Listing The Steps In Any Particular Order. You Can Adjust The Steps Any Way You Like Utilizing What Works For You:

1) I know it sounds Crazy, But Tune Life's Negativities Down- You might not live near me, but "Murphy's Law" seems to rule my surroundings. Smiling at someone to say "Good Morning" might lead to you being assaulted. The Undesirable Energies range from animals and insects invading your area to the life's traditional dysfunctions. Our News Medias are filled with "bad", "fearful", and "disheartening" news. We want to be aware of things going on around us, but we have to replace (tune down) much of these negative things and replace them with "Good (or Positive) News". I find myself watching Religious Broadcastings. I'm a Big Boy now. I remember the days when I was quite naive. So no, I don't believe everything I hear on such programming, but the hopeful information helps keep me in a "Positive" Frame Of Mind. I must warn you that the more you attempt to minimize life's negativities; the more undesirable things will come "creeping" your way. This will be an ongoing battle. The "fight" is well worth it. You won't be perfect. The idea is to try, try, and try again. Never give up. Never feel that you don't deserve Good or Better Things.

The Golden Rule For Minimizing Lift's Necessities Is- If it's not your responsibility or if it's not going to help you in a positive way, then you might want to minimize it from your life. We live in a time period where grown adults expect others to "do it for them". This is a prime reason why Negative Energies "Fill The Land".

2) Ensure You Have Good Social Skills-Barbara was right! People Need People! We never want to come across as being Snobbish when dealing with others. Yes, we may have to eliminate or limit someone from our lives. We must find a way to do so with Class. Yelling and Arguing should be avoided. I'm well aware that this might not be easy. Social (People) skills are also essential when seeking a job, or communicating with those who can help us.

Social Appearance is a Major Part of Social Skills-Avoid sitting around blaming Life's "Woes". Exercise, look good, practice grooming, and don't be afraid to smile. The "Picture" you sent outwardly will either help or hinder you from receiving positive energies in return.

3) Utilize People Who Are Capable-So many people refuse to excel in school. This is a big mistake. It's sad to see a person leave school and finally realize how important school is to a career. It's not yes primary education. It is essential that you and I are capable. It's sad to see someone hired, but who is then "let go" because they are not capable. Ensure that you can do the job and ensure that you can successfully complete a job interview. Yes, this takes a lot of study, practice and self discipline. That's what it means to be an adult. Sadly, many adults want to blame anybody and anything so they can continue to live a "youthful" life. Employment Agencies and any capable office can help you get on you way to obtaining financial income.

4) Get in the Habit Of Doing It Yourself-I hate this one. But it is probably one of the most important "steps" to this "Positive Energies" advisory. Whoever said, "If you want it done right, do it yourself" was correct. Sad to say this, but even well meaning people will fail you. It's up to you to double check everything. Yes, you will "drive yourself (and others)" crazy. Just ensure that your social skills are up to par. We don't want to make unnecessary enemies. There will be times when you will have to be in "eight" places at one. I think they call that "multi-tasking". I can't stress that people will think you are weird, people won't be able to see your "vision", and undesirable things will happen in an attempt to sway or stop you. My advisory is to keep going. It's not easy, and no, you won't see "muscles" building as if you were lifting weights. What you will be doing is building up positive energies that will return to you at some point in time.

Let's take a brief review. You're motivated, you've "limited" negative energies, you've stood up to oppositions, you've improved your capabilities (which is improving your marketing or "job placement" abilities), you realize that whether you are employed or not, you still have a job to do (yourself), you don't wait on others, you are proactive in your financial pursuits, you've enhanced your "people skills", you utilize capable sources, and you look pretty dam good. Guess What; You Have Built Up Unbelievable Positive Energies-Look Out "World"!

5) Now it's time to Market Yourself. Resume, Cover letter, Business Cards, Take Ads Out, and/or do whatever it takes to "let others know that you want to work and might improve their business (in some way)". Of course be very modest (but yet assertive) when doing so. Your avenues are unlimited. Times Are Hard. Thus you have to rely on massive contacts. You might get more responses than you imagined. I advise you to worry about that when (or if) it happens.

6) Developing A Professional Persona-This is something for you to develop. Basically, if someone contacts you, be courteous enough to reply. Dress to Impress. This really is something each person must develop themselves.

This Is The One Area That Many People Overlook-In My Opinion It Is The Most Important (Spirituality)

7) Spirituality works for us when or mind and emotions are elsewhere-We might be upset over things in our life. Our mind might be on anything other than financial income and/or improving our lives. Yet, Spirituality (the Spirit Realm John 4:24) Is diligently working to improve our life, if we have done our part. In other words, how can Spirituality get "Mr. Big" to notice your resume if you haven't sent out a resume, or if your resume was not professionally written?

Here's What's Essential To Cultivating Spirituality In Your Life:

A) Meditation, Prayer, Or Both- I began as a Bible Student at age 7. In more recent years, Spirituality led me to Horoscopes, Astrology, Other side and After Life Communications. It's been a Wonderful Journey. I remember Elisha (in the Bible) asking God to cause the servant to "SEE" the many armies of Angels waiting to help. I can honestly say that the more a person seeks Spirituality, the More their life will begin to improve.

B) Bible Reading and/or Positive Information-A Person should daily "take in" positive information. Negative energy is addictive. Like a drug, we think we need to be "witty" or have "attitude", but that Negative Energy usually has a toll on ourselves and those in our life.

C) Replacing Negative Energies With Optimism (Positive Energy)-I remember the men of the 1950's, 60's and 70's. Archie Bunker was right. When "Men Were Men". Those were wonderful times. No, they weren't perfect people, but they have something that's no longer seen on this planet. Modern parents often fail to be "parents" as they are trying to relate to their kids on a "kid's" level. There was a time when Optimism (Positive Energy-Hope) was the backbone of our Nation's thinking. There was a time when a firm handshake and eye contact greatly determined whether a person was offered the job (or not).

Many of us hide our fears and insecurities with "attitude" and Negative Energies. Yet, the truth is, those types could not "stand" if it wasn't for some Positive person somewhere "holding them up". For the most part Negative Energy is self destructive.

Now, let's share my Good News. I continued to stay busy. I view like in the same way as weight lifting. You might not see the results right away, but the results do "come". I sent out a massive cover letter a week or so ago. I was fortunate to get a response. Hopefully I will be able to do some freelance (or other work). Who knows? Either way it made me feel better. If any one is helped by my articles, then I feel I'm doing what Spirituality wants me to do.

This article can be freely edited and/or utilized as long as credit is given to its author (Gary Colin).