3 Simple Tips On How To Apply The Law of Attraction And 1 Rare Secret That No Guru Tells You

Before sharing with you my top three simple tips for making the Law of Attraction to work, I would first like to ask you this question. How complicated do you think that the Law of Attraction is? And would it surprise you, if I told you that it does not have to be as complicated as most gurus make it to be?

This article is exactly about that - giving you easy to follow tips and getting you back on track to the realization of your deepest desires. So here we go with the three simple tips:

Tip No1: Be grateful for everything in your life.

Yes, you read it correctly. You have to be grateful for your life because it is your creation. Even if you dislike it, you have to be grateful for it. After all, you are alive. After all, you still have a chance to make it happen. So, accept things the way they are and then proceed ahead with a big smile on your face.

In fact, it is as simple as that - no gratitude, no success with the Law of Attraction. So, it is your choice. Do you want to make the Law of Attraction work for you? Then show absolute gratitude for everything in your life - even the things you dislike.

Tip No2: Create a complete image of what you want to have in your life.

After you have come to terms with your reality by expressing gratitude for everything, you now want to establish clearly what you want from the Universe. It will give you anything you wish for at this point, but you have to be clear in what you want. It is not sufficient to say that you want to have money. You must say how much you exactly you want to have and what you want to do with it. You have to be descriptive.

The reason for the necessity of details is that you want to create your future reality. You present was created by your past thoughts. In the same way, your future is shaped by your present thoughts. The stronger the image of what you want is, the more likely it is that it displaces any images of things you do not want.

Tip No3: Check your results and see what is stopping you from achieving your desired results.

OK, let's face it. More often than not we would not be able to realize our desires immediately. And the reason for this is not that the Law of Attraction is not working. The reason is that there is something holding us back. And this something is called a limiting belief.

And here we arrive at the big SECRET. You might be really grateful for everything. You might have a clear image of what you want. You might go ahead and take action to realize it. But as long as you have this big stumbling block called "limiting beliefs," you would not succeed. So what should one do in a case like this.

The best way to deal with limiting beliefs, and one advocated by Law of Attraction gurus, such as Dr. Joe Vitale, who starred in the hit movie "The Secret," is the Emotional Freedom Technique, or EFT. It sounds complicated, but in fact it is rather easy, and you just need to read the proper program to learn how to apply it in order to eliminate limiting beliefs. For reviews of some great programs teaching EFT click on the link below.