Manifesting Abundance - This One Word Sabotages the Law of Attraction Every Single Time

Have you ever been in zone where everything is flowing smoothly, you're in the moment, you're centered, and feeling confident and then all of a sudden, something happens to throw you off course?

You go from being centered to self-conscious, uncomfortable and insecure.

It's the equivalent of those times when you're having fun with your friends and then that ONE negative person you all know stops by and winds up ruining the whole vibe.

These things that wind up ruining your whole "vibe" are known as "buzzkill", because they ruin any fun you might be having.

Do you want to know what "buzzkill" is for the Law of Attraction if you're truly intent on manifesting abundance?

It's a single word that if asked, stops the whole process of manifesting abundance dead in its tracks.

Before I tell you, I'll give you a quick illustration: there was the story of a millipede who was one day happily walking on its way, when someone asks it, "How are you able to walk with all those legs?" The millipede thinks about it, and then falls down.

You still don't know?

This word I'm talking about is, "How?"

When you're using the Law of Attraction for creating your own life, never, NEVER ask yourself HOW it's going to be done.

The word "how", causes you to think too much, to doubt, fear, and breaks up your flow, ultimately sabotaging the whole manifestation process.

Always focus on the "what", not the "how".

The "how" is for the Universe to figure out.

Speaking of which, have you ever considered the fact that there may be other things that you don't know that you don't know that have been getting in the way of you manifesting abundance? Things that you're doing that you're totally unaware of?

Knowing this "thing" or "things" could be what makes the difference between you living the life of your dreams and you living in scarcity and frustration.

You may be struggling with the Law of Attraction now, but you may be actually ONE breakthrough away from creating the reality of your dreams.

To find out more about where you can get your last, FINAL breakthrough that will make you the master of reality creation, read below.