Manifesting Abundance - What You Don't Know WILL Hurt You

Let's face it, you're in pain.

You're in pain because you have all these dreams and desires that you've tried to manifest into your life using the Law of Attraction, but yet, nothing has come into fruition.

There is a saying that goes, "A hope deferred makes a heart sick." As each day passes by when you see you're not manifesting abundance in your life you become more heartbroken.

You've heard countless gurus sing praises about the Law of Attraction and how it will change your life beyond your wildest dreams, yet, after trying it for months, maybe even years, your life looks EXACTLY the same.

You're still broke, you're still in debt, you're still single, you're still have health issues, and you're still dissatisfied with your life.

To add to all this, you feel that there's something wrong with you, like you're cursed or something, because the Law of Attraction hasn't worked for you.

Well, let me let you in on a little secret.

There's something you haven't been told.

"They" never told you that there's more to reality creation than the Law of Attraction.

There are other Universal laws and principles involved in manifesting abundance.

You only being taught the Law of Attraction is the equivalent of a driving instructor giving you the keys to a car without you ever having driven before, only teaching you how to turn the key to the ignition, and then expecting you to drive from New York to California.

If you're able to get the car out of park, you might eventually succeed in killing yourself and the instructor.

Sounds ridiculous huh? Well expecting you to create the life of your dreams by only teaching you the Law of Attraction is equally if not more ridiculous.

Did you know there is a correct way and an incorrect way to take action when you're manifesting abundance? The first way will quicken the process of manifestation and the other way will sabotage any and all of your efforts?

Do you know the principle behind knowing when should be taking action and when you should be relaxing and "allowing" things to come to you? This makes all the difference in the world in being able to successfully manifest your desires.

Do you know about the Law of Intention, and that without properly using this law, trying to use the Law of Attraction just becomes silly?

If you answered no to any of these things, then it is no wonder why you haven't been successful at manifesting abundance.

Yet, this just scratches the surface, there's a lot more that has been kept from you.

And yes, what you don't know has been hurting you, it's keeping you from having the life you deserve.