Can John Demartini Change You From Zero to Hero

If you believe that you'll never amount to much, let John Demartini encourage you to think otherwise.

Prior to become one of the foremost resources in personal development, John Demartini was told he would never be able to learn as fast as normal people and lived on the streets. A near-death experience during his late teens led him to decide to change his life for the better.

When he turned 18, Demartini began his studies in astronomy, chemistry and atomic physics. He then worked towards becoming a chiropractor. He sought to explore the dynamics of healing, focusing on the connection between science and the divine. His new mission was to help others heal their souls and regain their strength in all aspects of their lives.

After over thirty years, John Demartini pursues the same mission, teaching and guiding people in attaining their life goals. He is the author behind the best sellers The Breakthrough Experience- a Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation", "Riches Within", "Heart of Love" and "The Gratitude Effect."

His knowledge in psychology, physiology, neurology, philosophy, metaphysics and theology, and as well as experience in working alongside experts in these fields, has helped him developed programs that currently touch millions of people around the world.

The Demartini Method is currently a headliner in the personal development arena. Here, John Demartini brings to focus changing mental perspectives to create positive behavior changes. Simply put, the method highlights the need to cultivate a spirit of gratitude and love for one's self and for others. This ultimately leads to successful actions and happiness.