How To Attract Prosperity Into Your Life

How to attract prosperity into your life is a question that so many people think that they have the answer to but really don't.  The think that all you have to do is think prosperity, say a few affirmations and the riches and abundance that they seek will somehow appear out of nowhere.

As unrealistic as that may sound people have that misconception about attracting abundance, wealth and prosperity and then when they do not get what they want they say that the law of attraction does not work. I am here to tell you that it does work if you know how to apply it correctly.

Here are 5 tips that you should apply every day:

Tip # 1 – Be clear about what you want.The first thing you want to do is to find out what you want, whether it is money, a relationship, a prosperous business, children, etc and be clear that is what you really want. Do not waiver; do not want one thing today and something different tomorrow. You must stay consistent and apply faith.

Tip # 2 – Set your intention.You want to set your intention by first writing it down and posting it in a place where you can see it every day. Let the GOD or the universe whichever you believe in know what it is that you want. If you are clear about what you want, make a statement, say it aloud, let the higher being that can grant you want you want know that you are serious and again apply faith.

Tip #3 – Visualize and meditate.  Each morning when you wake up and at night before you go to bed visualize what you want down to the smallest and minute detail.   See yourself living the life that you want, feel yourself enjoying what you are seeing in your mind. It may be hard a first because there are so many thoughts going on in our mind at one time. That is where the meditation comes in. Take a few minutes and focus on what you want, clear your mind, breathe, relax and meditate on what you want. It gets easier and is lots of fun. Start to believe that you have received what you want before you get it.

Tip #4 – Gratitude.ALWAYS have an attitude of gratitude. Be grateful for everything that you already have and say it often as possible. Even have gratitude for the thing that you want even before you get it, it will put you closer in touch with your GOD and/or the universe to move you toward your path to your goals much faster. Feel appreciation, happiness, joy, any positive emotion that you can think of. If you can't do that, then focus on something or someone that evokes the positive emotion and apply that to the object of your desire. Check your emotions often to make sure you stay in the positive flow of things.

Tip #5 – Take action.You must put forth action with everything that you do. You can do all of these things and apply faith but nothing will transpire if you do nothing. It is written in one of the most famous books in the world, "Faith without works is dead!" So remember if you want that car, that house, that job, that money, you have to go out and put forth action to get it. It will not appear out of thin air!

If you apply these simple 5 things to your life each day, you will start to notice that you are now attracting that prosperity into your life. You will also notice that the happiness that you feel really did not come from the things that you thought you wanted by having them, it came from within you. You are truly the prosperity that you have been seeking!

For more information on how to attract prosperity into your life please watch this video by visiting => /