How to Attract What You Want Quicker

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction and how the essence of the law is that your thoughts attract the things you are thinking about. But do you ever get frustrated that sometimes you focus your thoughts on the things you want but are still not getting the results, or at least, not getting the results you want quickly enough?

I’ve once heard that when dealing with the Law of Attraction, we have to be patient. But the question we are all dying to ask is, “How longdo we have to be patient for?

Some people wait day in and day out to attract what they want but haven’t gotten it yet. It’s possible that somebody who focuses all their thoughts on a shiny, new red car, that it may not come so easily. Although it may be impossible to focus our thoughts 24/7 on the things we want in life, it’s possible to use our emotions to attract what we want quicker.

In Esther and Jerry Hicks book, The Law of Attraction, The Basic Teachings of Abraham, they believe that the more emotion one has when thinking about thoughts, the quicker it is being manifested into one’s physical experience:

Although every thought has creative potential, the thoughts that do not bring great emotion with them are not bringing the subject of your thought into your experience with any sort of speed. When it comes to thoughts that you feel strong emotion about–whether it is positive emotion or negative emotion–the essence of thoughts is being quickly manifested into your physical experience. And that emotion that you are feeling is communication from your Inner Being, letting you know that you are accessing the power of the Universe.

I believe that part of the Law of Attraction that needs to be put into application for those who wish to attract what they want faster. One may begin doing this through imagination and visualization.

For example, if one were to attract a wealthy, abundant life into their physical reality, it might be common to visualize the amount of money they wanted every day. Writing it down on a piece of paper and plastering it somewhere where one could see it every day would be an example of this. But how effective is this in bringing out a genuine desire for that amount of money?

One way to develop this type of desire is think about how wealth and abundance makes themfeel. After all, money is just paper. If money didn’t have value than having a lot of it wouldn’t matter. It is the things that money brings people that create the feelings and emotions that people desire.

So a good way of thinking about wealth, prosperity, and abundance is to imagine different ways to how it makes one feel through spending time everyday to communicate with your inner self.

  • How would it feel if you had an unlimited amount of money?
  • What would you do with it?
  • Where would you go?
  • Would you use this money to help others out?
  • If you did, what would their reactions be?
  • How would you feel seeing their reaction?
  • How would your friends and family view you?
  • How would you view yourself?
  • What is the difference between you now and you before?
  • Do you feel any different at all?
  • Do you feel a sense of freedom and happiness now?

When you spend some time alone and answer these questions, you body may go through positive emotions that will create a desire for wealth.

These are some example questions that evoke feelings from a money mindset perspective. It is not to say that this would only apply to wealth and money, but you can make up a list questions for anything else you wish to attract in your life.

If you are consciously aware of your emotions in every day, you will also notice that you attract things quickly based on the type of emotion and the thoughts you are carrying.

If you wake up in an angry mood, you will go through the day not talking to people or getting angry at the small things about your day. If you are in a depressed mood when you wake up, you will feel sluggish through the day and find everything around you to be bad. On the other hand, if you wake up excited or are in a happy mood, you’ll attract excitement and happiness randomly throughout the day.

So even though thoughts are something that eventually will attract what you are thinking about according to the Law of Attraction, but thoughts that bring a great deal of emotion will bring the things you wish to manifest quicker. I strongly believe that this is true because human beings, by nature, are motivated by emotions and take actions based on their emotions.

If one is more emotionally driven towards what they want by the thoughts they choose, they will naturally take action that is required in order to get there. And that is the purpose of what I think this paragraph is trying to convey to the reader. I hope this helps, and I hope you can manifest whatever is that you want in your life through your chosen thoughts and positive emotions.