The Million Mind March Movement - The Real Truth of the Mastermind Mind Doers Club Worldwide

The million mind march movement has been around for about 10 years and is still one of the most prolific mastermind groups of all time. Founded by Ex-Door to Door Meat Salesman and Ex-Street Magician Joe Schroeder, this movement has taught mindset and marketing some of the most successful alumni including Mike Dillard, Dennis Karganilla, Diane Hochman, Ontarian Hawkins, and many more who have gone out and changed the personal development and marketing niche on and off line.

The famous motto of the the March is the place where you can come and change your mind, change your income, and change your life. Although there is a ton of money to be made in this mastermind community, this is not the focus of the group. The main focus of the Million Mind March is to provide mindset to help break down the barriers of procrastination, lost of focus, fear, etc.

Every Monday the entire world is invited to listen to calls live for FREE to get a feel of what this mastermind community is all about. One skill you will take away from the Million Mind March is the ability to shift your thinking from poverty thinking to thinking like a Millionaire. Have you ever wondered why over 95% of network marketer fail or why most businesses fail within their first 18 months? You simple cannot pursue what you can't see. Most people don't have the ability to change the way they think about success. Now you know where to go if you want to change your mind, your income and your life.