How to ask the right way?

How to ask the right way

Do you ask God for what you want? How do you ask? Do you ask the right way?

Asking is one major component of the law of attraction. According to the law of attraction, asking is the first step that the person should do when he wants to achieve a goal. If you want to get a job, you have to ask to get a job. If you want to buy a car, you have to ask the car dealer that you want to buy a car. If you want to register for some classes, you have to ask first before you can attend the classes you want. As you see, no one can receive without asking.

When it comes to you goals, you have to ask God of what you want. When you ask, God will you with the answer and will make things happen. You don't have to know how, where, or when you will receive it, the only thing you have to do is ask and be ready to receive it.

Now that you know you have to ask to get what you want, you have to learn to ask the right way. Unfortunately, most people ask the worng way and they keep wondering why they don't achieve what they desire.

If you ask the majority of people what they want, they will come up with things like "I don't want to be poor," "I don't want be angry," "I don't want to be sick," "I don't want to be overweight," and things of the sort.

The problem is that the majority of people usually introduce "negative" words and statements in their asking. Words like don't, can't, poor, angry, sick usually are included. These negative words program your subconscious mind if they are repeated often with strong belief. For example, if you say, "I don't want to be poor," you are giving energy to the word "poor" and that is what your subconscious mind will hear.

Ask the right way

You might ask, how can I ask the right way? Well, there is one thing that you have to keep in mind when asking the right or correct way.

1. Make sure you include onlypositive wordsand statementsin your asking. For example, instead of saying, "I don't want to be poor," say, "I want to be rich." Instead of saying, "I don't want to be sad," say, "I want to be happy."

Studies show that the more you repeat such statements and the more you ask the right way, the faster your subconscious mind will get used to these statements and hence, this is what you will attract in your life.