Understanding This Law of the Universe Can Be The Key To The Realization Of All Of Your Dreams

The Law of Attraction is known by a great many people, but not many of them are aware and consciously following another great law of the Universe. This law is the Law of Compensation. The Law of Compensation is responsible for ensuring that people get compensated justly for their efforts and contribution to society.

First, let us note that to attract larger things, you must increase your capacity. Knowledge of the Law of Compensation teaches you how to do that. You need to start with building the perfect wealth-attracting image. This image has to be constructed regardless of the circumstances and in complete synchrony with the object of your desire.

We create our future through our current efforts. There is an old Chinese proverb, which says that we created our present circumstances through our past actions, and that we create our future circumstances with our present actions. Similarly, we need to start acting as the person we wish to become.

If one wants to become a millionaire, they need to start acting like a millionaire. For example, we need to keep our homes and cars tidy because tidiness shows that our minds are composed. If your house is disorderly, then your mind is not composed, and there is no way that you would be attract the amount of compensation you wish to have. Things are interconnected in this way.

You walk past opportunities everyday, yet you fail to seize them. If you have a blank check in your hands, how much would you write on it? Yes, it can be that easy. All we have to do is find opportunities, make ourselves valuable and needed, then irreplaceable, and in the end there is no way that we attract the amount we desire for. You will be compensated in correspondence to the difficulty it would take to replace you.

Knowledge of the Law of Compensation and its proper application allows one to attract the object of one's desires as surely as humanly possible. Therefore, the Law of Compensation is a good friend of the Law of Attraction, and these two need to work together. In fact, there are 9 more great laws of the Universe, which one needs to be aware of and use in order to fulfill all of one's desires. In case you were wondering what these other laws are, you could find all about them in the audio program "The 11 Forgotten Laws" by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrisey. You can find a review of this program, as well as several other programs, by following the link below. Enjoy attracting the level of compensation you desire!