How to Increase the Good Things in Your Life

If you want to attract good things into your life, or you want to increase the amount of already good things in your life then the answer is simple. Gratitude. When you notice and celebrate all the good things in your life already, you set up a powerful force that will go out and bring you more things to be grateful for.

This is a positive up-hill cycle where you can only benefit. To set the wheels of gratitude into motion you can start right away. It’s helpful at first to write everything you are grateful for down. Go and buy a notebook which will serve as your gratitude journal.

You can be grateful for anything at all. Perhaps you see someone in a wheelchair – instead of feeling pity for them feel grateful all your limbs can move freely. Perhaps you know of someone who has no family members left. Feel grateful you have family members still alive and ring or visit them to tell them how much you appreciate them.

Stop and think about things you may take for granted. For example you can go to your public library and borrow any book you want at no cost. What a wonderful thing to be grateful for. You can enjoy a walk in the many parks around your city at no cost. What a great thing that you can enjoy greenery in the middle of a concrete city.

The things you are grateful for do not have to be grandiose. It really is the little things that count. When you look back on your life so far it is most likely the little things that have brought you the most happiness. Many little things combined together add up to an extremely happy life.

Later when you have an established habit of writing everything you are grateful for down, you don’t have to continue the logging if you don’t want to. By this stage you will be living in a gratitude bubble, where you are naturally grateful in every moment.

This is the place you are striving to be at. One where you are automatically grateful. You will be an example to others of how they can live their lives if they want to experience the same joy you feel every day.

Whatever you focus on grows. So it makes perfect sense to only focus your attention on the good things. By doing this you will steadily increase the number of good things in your life.