How to Create Your Perfect Body Using the Law of Attraction

It’s possible to create your perfect body simply by shifting the vibration of your thoughts.

The first step is to be aware of your current relationship with your body.  Are you crying war on your body?  Many people have a war on every possible health hazard imaginable.

There’s a war on cancer.  A war on aids.  Even a war on depression and even the common cold. Anything you can think of, there seems to be a war against it.

If you are treating your body like it is your enemy and something that will give you disease, you will never achieve perfect health.

Were you aware your body responds to how you treat it.  And if you are scared of it and think it will give you some deadly disease it will. If you scared you will get the yearly winter flu, you will.

On the other hand if you treat your body like a close friend and give it love, care and compassion it will respond to your positivity.

When you tell your body that you are safe, powerful and healthy your body will respond to your love and encouragement.

No matter what state your body is in now, it can restore itself to perfect health. You and you alone determine the state of your body.

Affirm that your body is perfect as it is and it will become even more perfect. Affirm that your body is resilient and powerful.  Affirm that you respect your body.

The vibration of your loving thoughts is all your body needs to restore itself to its harmonious, vibrantly healthy state.