Manifesting Abundance - READ THIS If You're Getting Nowhere Fast With the Law of Attraction

Are you a hard worker?

I mean, do you work really, really hard and take pride in that fact?

You know that even if you're not the brightest or the prettiest, you DO know that you're a hard worker.

When you first heard about the Law of Attraction, you figured it was an absolute no-brainer that you'd be http;// " manifesting abundance in no time.

I mean why not? You're not lazy like most people and you're not afraid of breaking a sweat.

So you made your desires known, and you worked, and you worked and you worked to bring them into fruition. You made sure you put every ounce of effort necessary to make your dream of manifesting abundance come to life.

You sure as hell weren't going to let laziness be an excuse for failure.

But you know what?

For all your strenuous efforts you put into manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction, you have almost nothing to show for it. You aren't any richer, you aren't any happier, and you aren't any more fulfilled.

If anything, you've became more stressed, frustrated, impatient, and eventually disillusioned.

To you, manifesting abundance out of the Law of Attraction is like trying to get water out of a rock.

To top it off, the salt on the wound was that you see people who didn't even put HALF the effort that you did who are manifesting abundance almost effortlessly. They have all these amazing stories to share about all the wonderful things they've been able to manifest in their lives without having worked hard.


Well, the truth of the matter is, these people who are "better" than you at manifesting abundance aren't lucky per se, and things aren't simply falling out of the sky for them.

These people are just doing something that you're not.

Unlike you, they know how to make their actions count, without wasting needless time or energy.


They're able to combine a very CRUCIAL element with their actions that makes the difference between you just spinning and you manifesting abundance with the Law of Attraction without any unnecessary effort.

Without this element in your actions, you will continue to waste time and get absolutely nowhere.

With this crucial element, you'll attract EVERYTHING you desire with minimal effort.