How I Use "The Science of Getting Rich"

Most everyone has heard of Napoleon Hill’s classic book Think and Grow Rich.

But how many of you have read, or even heard about, a book that was published from a much earlier time?  The principles of the law of attraction aren’t exactly new.  And thinking to grow rich was not exactly Napoleon’s original idea.

In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles wrote his collection of thoughts at the time in his classic book “ The Science of Getting Rich”.  He says in his book, that his is the only book that you will need to read on the subject, and just to put any others aside for the moment.

I found the book to be a bit of a challenge to read, and to stick with until the end.  The language is, of course, from an earlier time.  So the construction of the sentences is at sometimes, seemingly very formal.  Good writing, but definitely not conversationally casual.

One of the main focuses of the book is the concept of  “a certain way”.  He says that you must first, learn to think in a “certain way”.  Then to follow up by taking action, also in a “certain way”.   His definition of a “certain way”, I believe, carries two meanings.  The first being, to think and to do in a specific and very particular fashion, and the second part of the definition, as having a sense of certainty about the expected outcome resulting from your efforts.

He definitely conveys the message that action is necessary.  So much of all the popular law of attraction talk these days seems to just be about thinking.  Thinking and mindset are both very important. But don’t forget to take action, too.

And be sure when you do, to take action in a “certain way”.

To receive a Free pdf  download of this timeless classic book, "The Science of Getting Rich" which was one of the first pieces ever written about the laws of attraction, go here to:

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