Three Easy Steps To Manifesting Financial Abundance For Your Family

  1. The first step is very easy and almost 0 free. I want you to create a vision board with all your goals and dreams on it. I know you may be thinking I have heard this one before buy have you actually gotten off your lazy butt and done it yet? If not then you better. Studies show that 98% of millionaires have Vision or Goal boards in their office at home and abroad. That should tell you something folks if it doesn't then your journey to financial abundance and freedom is going to be longer than it should be. Use old magazines and newspaper ads for your cannon fodder, and the side benefit is your doing something good and saving the planet by being green. Go recycling!!!!

  2. The second step is free. It is even easy also but it is also one hundred percent required if you want to experience a better financial future than the outlook of the one your experiencing now. This is so easy you will actually balk but you will most likely forget to do it and hence experience more of the same lackluster cash flow and abundance. Every single morning when you take your shower, take 5 minutes to yourself. Clear your mind feel the hot water running down your body. Allow yourself to relax. Then make the conscious choice that today things will get better. Great things can happen today. Feel true happiness and express the grateful feelings you have for your home, cars, clothes, children, the hot water, the electricity to run the lights, you have many things you need to express gratitude for. Then at the end, express thanks for the money you are going to receive and the money you have received....

  3. The last step is start looking for a way to start the change in your financial future. There are many home business opportunities online. You may feel guided to open a business doing something you love. You may want to do something that mainly helps others like gifting , there are many ways to increase your cash flow and therefore change the outlook of your financial future forever. Good Luck and if you need any help read my author bio for more information or click the gifting link above as well!