How Can Your Increase The Returns Coming To You From The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is great, but it is not the only one. It has 10 other buddies, which work together with it. Rather say, if we are to achieve success with the Law of Attraction, we need to put it to work together with these 10 other laws.

One of these laws is the Law of Increase. The Law simply postulates the following: "What you praise — GROWS." This means that if we want something to grow, then we need to praise it. Now do you understand why gratitude is so important? If we are poor, then being sad about that would not help us. Praising our situation and being grateful, however, would allow us to attract more of the good we desire. This sounds very similar to the Law of Attraction, right?

Yes, indeed, in order to be able to attract the object of one's desire, which might be characterized as an increase in the quality of one's life, one needs to praise his current situation, and thus they can put the Law of Increase to work.

There are 3 things you must do to create a massive paradigm shift in order to increase the quality of your life. You need to imagine seeing things in a positive light. Then you need to banish negative thoughts. And finally you just need to do this over and over again. This is all! Once you have focused on what you want and have eliminated negative and disempowering thoughts of what you don't want, you can then really work on the increase of what you desire in your life.

To some it might seem like the Law of Increase is simply a variation of the Law of Attraction and this might be the case. Anyways, according to the classical book by Raymond Holliwell from 1941, the Law of Attraction is accompanied by 10 other laws, which always work together either to bring one more or less of what they desire. If we align ourselves with these laws, then we will be able to get more. If not, then we will have to live with less.

To understand the Law of Increase, as well as the other laws, including the Law of Attraction, one would have to look into a careful study of these principles. One such audio program was made by Bob Proctor and Mary Morrisey and is called "The 11 Forgotten Laws." You can read a review of this program, as well as other related programs by following the link below. Enjoy increasing the quality of your life and living in abundance!