How the Richest People lose Money and how you can avoid it

The concept of money wasting is as old as the earth itself. The pains that come with knowledge of losing your hard earn income in anything that do not have economic value is as much excruciating as that of losing someone dear to your heart. What blood is to the body is what money is to everyday living. When the volume of cash either in your wallet or bank reduces, somehow your chances of survival begin to shrink. British scientists have discovered that losing money or even anticipating such a loss, stimulates a cavity of the brain called striatum, a circuit responsible in the processing of fear and pain.

The findings, from a team at university college London, suggest that the concept of "financial pain" is a real response to economic loss that similar neurological roots to physical pain. That, it is likely to have evolved by hijacking the brain pre-existing pain system, such that the person learn to avoid risky financial adventures like gambling, betting and pool in much the same way as the avoid physical injury. The research, which is published in the journal of Neuroscience, promises to unveil important insights into how the brain makes financial decision, and why some people simply avoid gambling while others find it necessary. It could perhaps provide harbinger for future treatment for gambling addiction. It also adds to the emerging field of neuroeconomic which involves using brain-imaging technology to illuminate how and why biology drives typical human behaviour.

However, having money or having much money provides individual with hope and hold on life itself. The anticipation of making financial gains usually activates the secretion of highly charged ad revelation in people such that psychologically the grail of life is somehow expanded. But however, the lost of money trigger same cardiovascular activity but in the opposite direction. This is the reason people who lost so much money either consider suicide or commit suicide as a way to let out emotions often time, people have shot close relatives, friends and business associates for lost of money. The shot of heavy volume of charged up adrenalin in their system often thrown the reasoning facilities of their mind out of balance. They usually come back to normalcy after the deed is done. This is a kind of temporary psychosis triggered by "financial pain" due to money lost. If adequate medical precaution is not taken to stabilize the individual, the psyche can degenerate to its lowest negative propensity. Against this background, it is transparent that having money or lack of it directly influences our behaviour and emotions. How can one avoid financial disaster or lose of money? And how can one control the velocity of his money is the main issues that everyone must learn to address, especially, during difficult economic times. Below are the following ways people lost their hard earned money and how to control velocity?

1. Giving wrong inertia to huge ransom: It is obviously wrong to keep huge amount of money above $4000.00 in a saving or current account for up to 30days when same can attract huge interest in a fixed deposit account. To avoid wasteful spending, and control your money velocity, call you account officer to fix your money in fix deposit account.

2. Wrong lifestyle: Taking drugs, alcohol and womanizing are all wrong lifestyle that makes people lose money. For instance, if you spend $15.00 on drugs daily, it means in 30 days you would spend $450 and in a year $5400.00, and in ten years time you will lose T,000 to just one wrong habit this have lead many into abject poverty. You can avoid this by coming up with a decision. You quit the lifestyle and invest your money. Perhaps invest into buying good books to empower yourself. This surely develops in you the capacity to keep money for longer time. The precaution here is that, you have to fix the odd in your lifestyle to avoid going bankruptcy

3. Wrong Association: There are many folks out there on the street broke from wallet to marrow the poverty for following gang of spenders in gambling. You have the choice to follow friends who can add value to your life by helping you to regulate the velocity of your hard earned income. You stand to lose not just money, but also value when you keep wrong associates around you. Do not keep wrong friends that drains up your pocket and render you valueless.

4. Acquiring wrong properties: You lose much money whenever you acquire properties without due investigation about the state of property. It is usually advisable you consult real for and necessary agencies before putting your hand to paper to secure a property. However, you can regulate the velocity of your money and even improve on its economic value by buying good properties. Getting first hand information on the properties you want to buy before going for bargain and actual payment for it is a million dollar precaution to beat this misadventure.

5. Investing in Wrong Stock: Just millions of people have lost fortune in the financial market for purchase or wrong sticks. You lose money and probably face emotional trauma when wrong stock crash in the market place. A friend of mine lost his banking job when he used customers' deposit to investment in wrong set of stocks. He could not pay back and the bubble busted-he got fixed. You have to make due consultation or even, take weeks to follow the market trend before making your investment. Money invested in profitable investment profitable is in tact.

6. Over-eating: You lose money when you indulge into over-eating. Over-eating is a wrong and expensive habit that has made poverty out of men and women across the world. You can plan your menu, and cut down your expensive. This way you can save money to take care of raining day.

7. Wrong spending on fashion: You lose money when you wear brand instead of wearing cheap and comfort clothes. Most brands names people wear are mere financial hoax and a great mistake many indulges to drive themselves into abject poverty. The major purpose of clothing is to cover ones nakedness. You have to place more emphasis on comfort, flexibility and coverage when making choice of fashion. The excesses you can save for yourself. You do not have to pay money just for wearing names.

Conclusively, there are other factors that can make you to lose money. Just take time to discover which is peculiar case to you is and avoid it. It is imperative that you control it because, it drive you to poverty, stealing, debt, problems, arm robbery, fraud and untimely death. You have to take charge of your life now by taking charge of your finances.

Ritchie Felix,

Copyright by Ritchie Felix