Inspiring Story About a Man Who Went From Scarcity to Effectively Manifesting Abundance in His Life

I have this friend. We became friends when he sponsored me into a network marketing business that he was involved in

He was energetic, he was vibrant, and he was full of passion. It was in fact these qualities that he had that were able to convince me to join him in his business.

His goal was to be wealthy and financially free.

He went to all the seminars that were held by the business organization.

He read all the books that were required, he listened to all the CD's, and he used all the products.

He also was a machine at meeting new prospects.

He was constantly meeting new people and setting up appointments with them to show them his business model.

He had all the markings of a successful business man. Yet, he was completely broke.In fact, to coin his words, he was "passionate and broke."

His wife hated the business he was a part of and thought he was wasting his time and money. His friends thought he was crazy and were planning an "intervention" to talk some "sense" into him.

Fast forward several years later.

He's retired and is a full time dad.

He retired his wife.

He makes five figures a month.

He's one of the most successful businessmen in his organization and leads seminars and conference calls teaching people about success.

He goes on vacation several times a year.

He's the healthiest he's ever been in his entire life. All this, and he's hasn't even reached the age of 40 yet

.....oh yeah, and his wife loves the business he's in.

What do you think made the difference?

The difference is that he finally understood the laws and principles needed for manifesting abundance in his life.

He understood that the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, so he tried something different. He made it his business to learn what it takes for him to be manifesting abundance in his life.

It was his lack of understanding of these principles that kept him broke. He may have known some of them, but because he lacked a FULL picture of the whole process, he stayed living in scarcity. It was him finally being able to get a full grasp that he was able to create the life that he lives presently.

Guess what?

The same is true for you. By learning the Universal laws and principles for manifesting abundance, you can make that final leap into abundance like my friend did. BUT, with them, you can build the life of YOUR dreams, not his, and share your own incredible story with others!