The Power of Patience and the Law of Attraction

When practicing the law of attraction,  many people make a few common mistakes. Whether it is because they just don't know they are making these mistakes or they are being fed the wrong information,  these mistakes will make it nearly impossible to learn how to really attract what they want in their life.  One of these common mistakes is that they do not exercise patience with the law of attraction.


Now,  I know that many sales letters and web sites like to push the idea of teaching people how to attract things very quickly.  Some things can happen this way,  but not all things.  And the more experience you have with the law of attraction the quicker you will be able to manifest things in your life.

If you are just starting out or have only been practicing the Law of Attraction for a short amount of time,  you cannot expect things to change overnight.  You have to be able to see past the marketing hype and realize that the people making these promises are doing so in order to sell more products.  Or maybe they just don't realize what they are doing.  I don't know.

If you really want the law of attraction to work for you,  you have to be willing to give it some time.  You have to realize that some situations take years to create.  And some of these experts have been practicing these techniques for twenty years or more and are just now manifesting these big things in their life.

You can make changes and you can make them quickly.  But if your goals are HUGE,  it will take some time.  To expect something like attracting a million dollars in a month is not going to happen.  You have to be patient and allow things to happen gradually.

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