The Power of Focus or The Lack of It

Did you ever stop to think why your finances are out of control or jus non-existent? It is generally due to the lack of focus.  People do not realize that the mind is a powerful tool that can be used at your command and the way to use the mind it to concentrate or to focus on your desired outcome.

If you constantly focus on what you don’t have you will continue not to have. If you focus on what you can’t do well you cannot do it. If you focus on the lack of anything then that is what will manifest because your focused thought is what you are planting in your mind.

I love the Law of Attraction in its simplest form because it is much easier for people to understand and to absorb. “We become what we think about all day long!” If you do not believe me then try and focus on something negative and keep that thought for the first part of your day, watch how more negative things keep coming to you because the more you focus on negative things the more and more you will see it just keep showing up from nowhere. Now if you want to shift your focus, start to concentrate on something positive for the remainder of the day, happy thoughts from your past, or something you want in the future, just keep positivity in your mind and watch how one good thing starts to just start to happen, then another until you are just in such a great mood that you just want to jump for joy!.

The point is that your mind is a magnet it will attract to you whatever you focus on, there is no exception to this whatsoever. This is also true if you lack focus. If you just don’t concentrate on anything well anything is liable to show up. You may say you want to grow your business, you may say that you want to do a lot of things but if you do not have a set desire and determination on how to get what you want you will never get it.

What this all boils down to is the power of focus or the lack of focus is what can make the difference in everything that you do in life. Start to focus today on what you want and see the difference in your life start to unfold just because you want it to!

Please share your comments below, on how and what you focus on. I would love to hear from you.

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To Your Massive Success

Lori Robertson