Manifest Desires--What Do You Desire To Manifest?

You probably have many things that you would desire to manifest in your life.  Whether it is having more money,  financial freedom,  happiness and comfort or whatever else that you would like to have,  you may be surprised at just how easily this can be done.

Generally,  most people live with a scarcity consciousness that precludes them from really ever chasing the dreams that they have and keeps them from attempting to manifest desires .  When you keep yourself within the frame of this scarcity complex,  it becomes all too easy to believe that there is a limited amount of the things that you want and this keeps them just out of your reach.

Just think about how abundant the world that we live in is.  And think of the beliefs that people held 50 years ago that we have been able to go beyond and realize that 50 years from now,  we will be able to go beyond the ones that we have right now.

To really begin to manifest your desires,  you have to let go of the scarcity consciousness and adopt one that accepts and recognizes the abundant world that surrounds you.  This is how you begin to shift into a new paradigm of thoughts and beliefs that will help you to EXPLODE beyond your current situations and circumstances.

When you shift into this new paradigm,  this is only the beginning.  You have to start to take new actions that will support your desire to manifest your dreams into your reality.

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