The Guide To Cosmic Ordering Secrets

Cosmic ordering is simply the belief that people can use their ambitions to connect with the cosmos and make those dreams come true. Connected to other important concepts such as the 'Law of Attraction', it has purportedly worked for some notable individuals, such as Noel Edmonds, an English TV presenter. Using the power of positive thinking and these cosmic ordering secrets, the path to success may be considerably more attainable.

First of all, always ask for what you want, never for what you don't want. These negative thoughts resonate in your subconscious mind and increase attraction, resulting in the Universe granting these false wishes and giving you more of what you don't want. This can result in many unwanted manifestations and are not conducive to positive thinking.

To further your success, always maintain a positive mind. The power of positive thinking - and especially positive feeling - reduces resistance. This is a state of mind, in which you request your wishes to be granted, but do not fully believe they will be. Let go of this doubt and find the state of mind where you are fully relaxed and thinking only positive thoughts. Then your resistance will be lessened.

Give a good reason for your request, ask yourself how would it make you feel if it were granted. Try to think of at least three positive reasons why your wish your desire to be granted. Happiness, fulfillment, security and more are all perfectly good reasons for your requests. Asking yourself how it would improve your life will open up new outlooks to you and go a long way in providing your desires.

Be specific about your wishes, adding as many details as you can think of. For example, if you desire a new car, what color would you like it, would it be a sports car or a people carrier. And remember, do not ask repeatedly for something you have already requested or this will increase your resistance. If you believe your request has not been heard, then do not worry. Your request has been heard by the universe and your desire to come true, you must believe it will and understand that your desires will come to you through a series of events that you have accepted. You will see these events when you are ready and this will be when your resistance to receive has been lifted.

Trust in both the cosmic ordering process and in yourself. Put faith in your inner wisdom and make wishes with a clear mind, trying to visualise yourself with what you desire. Ask the cosmos for small things at first, taking small steps and trusting the Universe. Do not fret about when or how your wish will arrive, just have faith and believe that the cosmos will deliver it at the right time in your life.

These are the most important steps in achieving your desires and fulfilling your wishes. So remember the cosmic ordering secrets; stay positive, both outside and inside, be specific, have faith and your innermost desires and wishes will be granted in due time.