Stop Being Negative, Stop Being Poor

"I don't have sufficient money!" Are you among those who keep retelling that same affirmation again and again? Well, if you want to be financially independent you should lay off doing that. What good can you get by keep restating things that you do not want? How about stating "Everything is okay, I might haven't enough money at present but I'm sure a lot of money will come." Sounds better doesn't it?

Now, examine what you living right now and realize it really a mirror image of your mindset, your current point of attention. If your attention gears toward negative thoughts, you'll notice more unfavorable things. Things would pile up and your life is now messed up! Ponder about this for a minute doesn't this make sense?

This is why the sick becomes sicker, healthy person just keeps getting better, poor keeps getting poorer and the rich getting richer. It is their point of attention that decides the life they are living. Every one of us has the choice to select our point of attention but if you think about it, it looks really difficult to deface reality. Since the reality is in your face!

But don't stray since we don't need to do all of these at once. We've been practising this for a long time and all we have to do is to take baby steps at a time. You can try this day by day by practicing noting only the things that make you feel better. Or if the reality is really in your front greeting you, try to block it and imagine better. Your environment would start to shift as you began these changes. Everything would just keep getting better. And time will come when you marvel where do all these things have been hiding for so long.