3 Fast and Sneaky Tricks to Make Your Mind Cooperate With the Law of Attraction

In the 11 Forgotten Laws, we learn that our mind can be our worst enemy, and can prevent us from using the Law of Attraction to get what we want. What goes on in our minds is non-physical, and sometimes the fastest way to unblock it is through acts that are physical. Here are three fast, physical things that you can do to trick your mind into cooperating with you.

In each case, I have tied the trick to the goal, but you can use this as a template for anything you want.

1. Great New Clothes

If you want a complete wardrobe of top-of-the line clothes, clean out your closets and your bureau drawers. Get rid of clothes that no longer fit you or no longer suit you. The same goes for impulse buys that only fill you with regret every time you see them. Give anything that is in decent condition to a charity, where someone with less than you have can use and appreciate it.

2. Great New Car

If you want a new car, clean out your garage to make room for it. Get rid of old car parts and broken pieces that you never got around to fixing. Take a careful look at the tools you have. Do you really use them? All of them? If there are any that you have not used in over a year, ask yourself honestly how likely it is that you will ever use them. If the answer is, "probably never" they are taking up valuable space in your garage and they are also crowding your mind. Once again, give anything in decent condition to a charity.

3. Great New Income

If you want to experience a surplus of money, clean out your wallet and your purse, and get your banking and finance papers in order. Get rid of old papers, expired membership cards and coupons for groceries or for movies, even old drivers' licenses. File your banking and credit card information in chronological order and keep tabs on bank charges. Make a point of knowing what the costs of credit and debit card use is, aside from the cost of the purchase. Then, find an image that represents wealth to you on the internet, resize it three times so it fits into your wallet, your purse, and your Finance file, and every time you open them, look at the image and say, "Thank you."

Whenever you find yourself with some spare change, drop it into one of the charity dishes at the local stores where you shop.

Because they are physical, these three simple tricks sneak past the barriers in your mind, and you will be amazed at the speed with which the universe will rush to fill the vacuum you have created, - by bringing what you really want.