Making Positive Strides By Making The Changes You Want

Are you ready to start feeling good?  What would that be like for you?  How would you get there? It would take some changes.

True change means doing things differently as well as feeling very differently.  True change can only come from within you - not from your mom, dad, spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, friends and etc - even if the advice they are trying to give you comes with the most sincere concern for your happiness.

Why? Because change must come from within you when the time is right for you. So if you are experiencing any guilt over not having done something that you feel you should have long ago - stop and just let it go! Consider the idea that you didn't do so for a reason. When the time is right, you will move forward from where you currently are and you'll start fulfilling your destiny so to speak. Metaphorically speaking, it is almost as though the moon and the stars have to align in the right configuration for change to happen. And that's fine. For some of you, that time might be now. Maybe this is your time to open the doors towards happiness, self-confidence and abundance. The moment you propose true change from within, the cogs of success start spinning.

Take in the idea that we are here to learn lessons and it doesn't make a difference if you learn them through positive experiences or even going through consecutive negative ones. What really matters is that you get there.

Understand that the journey can be more rewarding than even the final goal.


Sasha Carrion, CHt
Certified Hypnotherapist/Mind Coach

Helping You Eliminate Obstacles, Helping You Realize Your Goals