Law of attraction book Writing Things Down, A Powerful Tool To Create The Life You Deserve

A Law of attraction book can be a powerful tool you can use to focus the law of attraction in your life.  A journal can provide the focus and insight to help you choose better thoughts, refine your approach and gradually raise your frequency to be in alignment with what you really want to attract into your life.

Keeping an attraction journal is very easy and a whole lot of fun, here is how I do it:
Choose what you are going to write in.  It can be a formal leather bound journal, an plain lined note book, or you can even start a new document on your favourite word processor if you'd rather type than write it. although I find writing brings more life to your attracting, it allows your unconscious mind to run more freely and lets your imagination flow.

I hope you chose a bright welcoming cover though, your attraction journal should be welcoming to you, and if you feel a little down your journal will should pick you up just by thinking that you want to write in it.

Start at the Back

Start by writing from the back page, how your life will be when you have manifested everything your heart desires, include all the smells you will smell and the feelings you will feel, write the picture of your mind make it big and bright and colour full, describe your surroundings, your home, the people you share this wonderful life with. how much you love your partner and the others you share your fantastic life with. write in vivid colour from your imagination the more you write the more you will set this life out in your future....


When you have written the life you will have, the life you really want, the life you truly deserve, take a deep breath in through your nose then breath out slowly and meaningfully into the book, onto the pages you have just written, do this three times each time you breath out you are breathing life into your dream life, sealing it into your future, breath in,.. breath out,,,breath in,.. breath out,,, breath in,.. breath out,,, and close the book.

take a minute to feel grateful for the life you have just created in your law of attraction book, ponder the thoughts you have written, keep the vision of your dream life in your mind, bask in thelight of how your life will be, and it will be.

Keep a daily record.

Each day write in your attraction journal how your are feeling, write about your successes, however small you may think they are, write about any compliments you may have been given, describe your reactions and your responses to things that have happened during your day. Where you been in  bad mood? write it down, did someone upset you? write it down.

Write down your dreams and your day dreams, write down your Ah Ha? moments and your Wow! moments. your inspirations, your frustrations, and your goals. It doesn't have to be a neatly written, jot notes, draw pictures, doodle, be creative.

Remember you want the energy in your journal to be as positive as it can be, so try to avoid getting caught up writing too much about bad or negative feeling or experiences you have had, you want to keep the energy in your book ashigh as you can. write enough that you can learn from your experience, but not so much it could change your feelings now or when you read it again.


Every few days, read back through the pages you have written and look for patterns that you can learn from. Do you keep letting your negative self talk intrude on your thoughts?  Are you trying to control "how" everything happens?  Did I really make that car parking space vacant for me AGAIN?

Make notes of any insights you may see look for good and not so good, write how you intend to change these patterns always write these in the positive and in the present moment.

When you are successful in attracting something you want, record every tiny detail of exactly what you did, how you felt, what you saw, what you could smell, did you taste anything? What you focused on, how long the manifestation took, and so on.  Over time you will have more and more of these successes to record, and you'll have a clear blueprint to follow so you can do it again and again.

Live the Dream.

As simple as journaling may sound, it is incredibly powerful!  As time goes on you'll be able to see a clear improvement and mastery of what you manifest i your life taking place before your eyes.  You'll be able to spot limiting beliefs restricting habits, negative expectations and more that may be holding back your progress . As a result, manifesting the things you want becomes a clearer, more focused process.

And don't forget you have sealed your dream life in the back of your journal now, you are heading towards it right now, as you write each entry, as you start to focus and manifest more and more wonderful things in your life. Oh?, and don't worry if you haven't reached your dream life when you get to the back of your journal and meet the words you wrote at the very start of this journey, you just chose another journal that suits your personality, I guess this one will be a little different to the first one, yes? and start again at the back of the journal, write out your dream life, in the most vivid detail ,,,,, you know how to do this now, AND! I bet this dream life is different to the one in your first law of attraction book, Yes?

I thought as much.

Love to you  all.