What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of These Two Law of Attraction Teachers And Who Is Better?

The Law of Attraction. The Secret. As you think, so it is done onto you. These three phrases have been pronounced very often in the last few years. What is the reason for that? It it the explosion of interest in the Law of Attraction caused by the hit movie "The Secret." This explosion of interest has also lead to a great increase in the number of teachers teaching the Law.

Anyone who has tried the Law of Attraction for long enough has understood that you need proper instruction if you were to succeed in manifesting the object of your desires. There is just too much at stake to stick to free information and thus deprive oneself of the secret strategies that the top teachers can reveal for you. But again, with the availability of so many teachers, whom should you choose? How can you make sure that your time is not wasted with below par teachers?

The above two are valid concerns and they are the major reasons that many followers of the Law of Attraction kind of give up on the idea after playing with it only a short while. This article, however, will present you the top two teachers and then give you a recommendation as to whom of the two you should choose based on your needs and expectations.

So enough waiting, the two top teachers are Bob Proctor and Robert Anthony. The reason that these two were chosen was not only their long years of experience with the Law of Attraction, although that surely helped. The profundity of their message, as well as their charismatic and appealing personalities, coupled with their clarity of expression and vision, clearly separate them from the other teachers and make them the best two.

First, let us start with Dr. Robert Anthony. Who is Dr. Robert Anthony, you might ask, and I would not blame you. He would have been much more famous now had he not turned down the offer of Rhonda Byrnes to take part in her movie "The Secret." Anyways, he did not take part, which kept him to the side of the mainstream Law of Attraction movement. This, however, also helped to strengthen his image as the most profound and kind of unique teacher. He is not just one of the teachers of "The Secret." Instead, he is the teacher who has his own secret - "The Secret of Deliberate Creation." Therefore, he is recommended for those who are a looking for a little more philosophical and not so mainstream approach to the Law of Attraction teachings.

Bob Proctor, on the other hand, surely benefited from his participation in "The Secret." Arguably, he was the main protagonist in the movie, and this resulted in an increase in his popularity, which makes me absolutely certain that you know who he is. So what is so special about Bob and why is he so popular? What is so attractive about him is the unique mix between profundity and simplicity. He looks like a professor and yet he did not even graduate from high school. But he definitely knows how to teach you and express himself in the most understandable way possible.

So, what is the final verdict? I will not go as far as to say who of the two is best, but I will say that if you are looking for an easy to understand profound message, then you should go for Bob Proctor. On the other hand, if you were looking for something more philosophical and deep, you should choose Dr. Robert Anthony. Anyways, you can find both of these authors' works reviewed in the link below and make up your mind on your own. Enjoy working with the Law of Attraction!