How to Get What You Want When You Don't Know What That Is

In Law of Attraction, you focus on what you want in order to attract more of it into your life.But what if you have no idea what you want?How do you begin to sift through the endless possibilities to create a life that is satisfying and joyous to the unique person you are?

Fortunately, life provides clues that, if paid attention to can help you develop a road map to get you on the path tohappily ever after.   One such clue can be found inlooking at what you don't want. Not in an abstract sense such asI don't like my job, orI hate my boss, but rather in a very specific sense.

Take your job for example. Ok so you hate it. Lots of people claim they do. But if you really sit down and look at it, can you honestly say you hate every single aspect of the work you do? Are you in a state of utter misery from the moment you leave for work until the moment you head home? Probably not. For the majority of people, there are things they like and don't like about their work, and if there's more stuff in thedon't likecolumn well....they hate their job.


Have you ever really thought about what exactly about your job makes you miserable? Or your relationships, health, location, etc.? By uncovering specific elements of what you don't like about your life, you can get a much clearer picture of what needs improving.    Here's an exercise that will help you get clarity around this. We're going to use the example of work, but you can really apply it to any aspect of your life you're not happy with. For the next week or so ask yourself these questions. Don't try to answer them instantly but really ponder them to get a feel for exactly what's bugging you about the situation you're in.

  1. Think about the very WORST ASPECTS of your job...the things you absolutely hate the most and cringe every time you think about doing them? These are things you DO as part of your daily routine.
  2. What are the worst PHYSICAL QUALITIES of your job? These include things like location, sights, sounds and smells in the building itself, physical aspects of your office or work station, lighting, even the chair you sit in.
  3. What are the biggest TIME WASTERS? These are things that take you away from doing your core job, and seem to take chunks from your day. For many people things like meetings, last minute projects and e-mails fall into this category.
  4. What are OBVIOUS STUPIDITIES about your job and/or the company you work for? These are things that you have to do a certain way because someone said so, but that make no sense and seem to make work a lot more inefficient and perhaps even ridiculous.
  5. Who are the PEOPLE who annoy you the most? These are people who, if they quit tomorrow, would make you want to do a happy dance all over the office.
  6. What are the BEHAVIORS that annoy you the most? These are the things that push your buttons. Perhaps you get along fine with your boss or co-workers, but when they do these specific things it really sets you off.

Once you have this list you'll have a much better understanding about what you don't like, which you can then use to figure out what you want.  To do this simply take your list and for each thing on it ask yourself, "What do I want instead."  So if you hate your work schedule for instance you might write that you want flexibility or different hours or something like that.  Finally, use your updated list to create a picture of what you want.  Now all you have to do is ask the Universe for it :)