The Secret Behind The Secret And The Law Of Attraction - - Imagination

Imagination is the ability for the conscious or cognitive mind to form a vivid image of something that is not perceived through the 5 senses. It is one of the building blocks related to cognition and perception. It is also the power of the conscious mind to form images, movie-like scenes, or to recreate specific life events that may or may not exist. These images may be in the past, present now, or for use in the future. Imagination is a powerful tool to use during the law of attraction. Every person's imagination varies depending on their memories and past perceptions.

The use of the 5 senses invokes the power of the imagination, which forms a memory of each smell, each touch, each sight, each sound, and each taste. Each person's imagination is dependent on past perceptions. The imagination is the gateway to most memories. Learning is also related to the imagination. It is also referred to as the "mind's eye".

Imagination is sometimes so powerful it can evoke a physiological response. Imagine eating something as bitter as a lemon or sour as a pickle. This will cause the mouth to salivate. Think of the case when a witch doctor curses a believer into thinking they will die. This is because the fear or belief in the curse is so real the person is unable to separate the real image from the unreal image. This may cause immediate psychosomatic symptoms or even cause death.

With this in mind, one searching for the secret behind the secret law of attraction must use the imagination for positive imaging. There are many tools at our disposal to help create positive images, such as listening to positive soundtracks at night, creating and using digital or non digital vision boards, and utilizing other various imaging techniques. Practice imaging one positive thing into your life at a time, or create or find a youtube video that helps you imagine health, wealth, and happiness. Watch and practice daily to develop this wonderful faculty of the mind--imagination.