How to Master "The Secret"

What does it take to really master the secret? Have you ever come across this dilemma upon your quest to making the Law of Attraction work for you: Where do the Law of Attraction and hard work intersect? If you can get this one right, you can master The Secret.

If you check out Will Smith’s Youtube video on the Law of Attraction, you realize that he is extremely hard working. He quotes: “I will not be outworked. Period. You may be smarter than me, sexier than me, but you will not outwork me”. You not only hear this from Will Smith: Your teachers told you this growing up, Michael Jordan has said it, and many other legends have said it.

If hard work brings results, where does this leave you with the Law of Attraction? Aren’t you supposed to effortlessly attract anything you want without any hard work?

This is one of my favorite topics when it comes to the Law of Attraction, and you must fully understand it to master The Secret.

Make no doubt about it, you are not going to start a business, become a professional athlete, or achieve massive success in any area of life without putting in the work.

Unfortunately, hard work is a greatly misperceived term. People associate hard work with discomfort, annoyance, andmost importantly not fun. This is not nearly the case. You need to change your beliefs.

In order to work hard and give your fullest effort, you need to understand WHY you’re working hard. If you know what you are working for, then the inspiration will be there. And inspiration is the key. When you are inspired to act, problems such as laziness, procrastination etc. will not arise. This is what it takes to master The Secret: you mustinspire yourself to act.

This is what I personally do: In the morning when I wake up, I make myself a cup of tea, and go sit on my front porch. I go there, because I find it an excellent place to exercise my mind, and my soul. Every single day, I make a commitment to myself that I will try my best, and give it all I’ve got.

And then the fun part: I think about WHY I will be giving my maximum effort. I think about all my long-term goals. I think about where I want to be several years from now. I think about the things I want to have, and the things I want to do for other people. I get super pumped up in the morning, and am inspired to work hard the rest of the day.

What is the overall lesson? 1. Massive success comes with hard work. 2. Use the power of your mind and imagination to inspire yourself to work hard. This is the Law of Attraction at it’s finest, and this is a great starting point in your quest to master The Secret.