Questions About The Law Of Attraction Answered For You #1

I get asked more and more questions that I always answer personally, I thought to myesly "why not share them with everyone else", so I am going to answer YOUR questions and publish them for eveerone to read.

Here is todays question..

"What should you do when you really dont know that you are going the negative way... and by the time you realize your feelings it seems very difficult to shift focus?"

Here is my reply...

Believe it or not it's easier to act in a negative way than in a positive way. This is due to the outside influences we all experience, like the stories in the newspapers, programs on the  TV and radio, look at the amount of bad news pushed at you every day.

According to the law of attraction "what you think about most becomes your reality", so what do you think happens when a whole bunch of people listen, watch and read about bad things every day? Hey, you guessed it! bad thing happen, that's what is happening in the world today.

This has been happening for generations, your parents their parents your grandparents parents have all been affected by the negative vibration in the world. This will continue until more people wake up to the beauty and wonderment of this planet and start to love rather than not love.

Bad stuff happens but you can chose to get involved or you can chose to think in another more positive way. That may sound uncaring and selfish, in a way it is, you have to look after yourself first though, when more people start to act selfish and uncaring in this way the whole world will see a shift in consciousness, then we will start to see a better planet to live on.

You on the other hand want to make more of yourself, you are in the TOP 10% of people in the world who recognise they have a duty to themselves and to be more, to be a better person.

I don't watch or listen to the news on TV or radio I listen to happy music and listen to or read law of attraction and self help books,  articles and courses.

Remember our feelings are our "Emotional Guidance System" this is how Esther Hicks describes it. Learn to trust your feelings, and how your mood effects your behaviour.

Here is the Emotional Guidance Scale Esther Hicks gives in her book "Ask and It Is Given"

Use it to learn to recognise how you are feeling, then from there you can learn to raise your vibration higher on the Emotional Guidance Scale

Joy / Knowledge / Empowerment / Freedom / Love / Appreciation
Enthusiasm / Eagerness / Happiness
Positive Expectation / Belief
Frustration / Irritation / Impatience
Hatred / Rage
Insecurity / Guilt / Unworthiness
Fear / Grief / Depression / Despair / Powerlessness

A great way to raise your vibration is to remember, whatever you think of yourself at that time, "You Are More Than That" think about it, you are, aren't you?  "You Are More Than That"

Keep on your journey, keep learning, keep growing, I will be here to help along the way keep reading the emails and visit the website regularly I'm adding stuff all the time.

To Your Success